The Patriot's Armor Ministry Podcast Verified


The Patriot's Armor is not just a podcast—it's a mission to reignite the truth of scripture across our nation! Led by a devoted follower of Christ, a Marine Corps Veteran, and a retired police officer with years of confronting the real issues of our world, this ministry seeks to uncover the genuine truth that many churches overlook today. Are you tired of the diluted messages and eager for authentic insight? Join our community on Twitter @@patriotsarmor and Truth Social @@thepatriotsarmorofficial. Hit that subscribe button and stand firm with us! Together, we can advance God's work and share His message far and wide! 🌟 **Shop Our Official Merchandise!** 🌐 **Visit Our Website:** Get involved—your support makes a difference!

Patriots 2020


We love our president. Yes, we want him to want him reelected. Hopefully, that will happen. The first word in our name is PATRIOTS. pa·tri·ot - /ˈpātrēət/ noun noun. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by the federal government and Enemies both foreign and domestic. As patriots we are not only loyal to a single person or a single fight. We are loyal to our country, our Republic, our fellow citizens, and the freedoms we enjoy. This page is not going anywhere after the results of the election are decided. It is my hope is that it will continue to grow and that you all continue to share your thought and ideas to make it better. I know some people are shy and feel more comfortable to observe in silence (that’s fine we understand) But I encourage people to no only share memes but continue to share articles, videos and Yes your personal thoughts regarding what’s happening in the world and locally. Some of the greatest ideas throughout history never came to be, because it was never shared

The Patriot Sisters


Patriotic sisters with a passion to see our generation come back to the real truth. We are unapologetically us 🇺🇸\n\nSHOP OUR MERCH --\n\nUnleashed Podcast:\n\nStay Connect!\n\n\n✰ social media ✰\ninsta: @ThePatriotSisters\n↳\nfacebook: @ThePatriotSisters\n↳\nParler: @ThePatriotSisters\n↳\ntwitter: @SistersPatriots\n\nBusiness/Interview Inquiries:\n\n

Irish Patriots & Freedom Fighters


Freedom is a condition which can be lost and won and lost again. Nationality is as a life which, if once lost, can never be recovered. - Patrick Henry Pearse / Pádraic Pearse A channel for all free Irish, the brave ones who are opposed to this world of rules, regulations, lockdowns, and pandemic fear-mongering in search of freedom, unity, and a common way of refusal. Together we stand, divided we fall. For all those who want free sovereign Ireland co-existing with Europe and the world on an equal basis, not as their blindly following servant. For those who want to make a stand and take back their right to Irish constitutional protected civil liberty and to earn a living. For the country that stands for freedom, self-sustainability, law, and order. For the country that cares about its citizens, its families, and its children. For the country that is against corruption, globalism, poverty, and lawlessness. For the country that respects its Constitution, social justice, personal responsibility, human rights, businesses, culture, and heritage. By exposing the global agenda we want to educate the people and make them realize that governments are public servants, not authority. We the people are the true authority! Only through a united effort and understanding the geopolitics can we defeat the oppression that is being forced upon our country. We must shake off the depression this has caused. This channel is determined to inspire, unite and empower people everywhere. We can support each other to end the repression created through this scaremongering of the collective, to rediscover our lost connections with one another, rebuild broken societies and revive our spirituality. It shares what is inspiring, what rises vibrations, what motivates, what builds solidarity and compassion to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom. A channel against the cult mentality and belief in governmential superior master class that has the right to command others. ... but we have a weapon more powerful than any in the whole arsenal of their British Empire and that weapon is our REFUSAL. Our REFUSAL to bow to any order but our own, any institution but our own. - Michael Collins