The Original Next Level Gaming Verified


We are The ORIGINAL Next Level Gaming, your place for fun game streams, objective & passionate video game talk, and a community like no other NLG is Mike Mullis & Peter Heutink. - Mike's gaming started on the Intellivision and Atari Computers. As a game journalist, he attended 12 E3's, has 3 box quotes to his name, and is even a relief pitcher in 2K's MLB2K7! - Peter's been gaming since the dark ages & the Commodore 64 is his fave. A connoisseur of all platforms, Peter is a master at both single player & multiplayer gaming! The "Original" Next Level Gaming started as a multiplatform website in 2001. Our website is archived at*/

The Rebel Collective


Laura Eisenhower & Drago Reid Just two rebels that have been de-platformed, deleted, shadow banned, persecuted, and muzzled, and we're leading the other rebels and experts in their fields to give them a voice that can't be silenced because we are the resistance. Website: Instagram: Drago Reid @Space.Caked Facebook: Drago Reid @Space.Caked Email: Drago Reid is a Dolores Cannon, Level 2 (QHHT) Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique - Past Life Regressionist. Less than 5% of all hypnotists in the world possess this knowledge and skillset. Through this technique, he is able to take take the average, everyday person to the "somnambulistic" state of Trance, the deepest level of the human mind, through simple visualizations and colors, to obtain unlimited amounts of information. This is the part of the mind that allows the experiencer to directly visit and time travel to view multiple, past, future and parallel lives, where they experience it first hand with their own eyes; from very common Earth lives, to mind blowing extraterrestrial lives, other worldly existences, in between life incarnations, and get answers to life's hard questions like: Why are we here? Are we alone in the universe? Why did I choose this life and why did everything happen the way it did? This technique also gives the client the faculty to access higher and hidden knowledge, other dimensional realities, blocked memories and unlocks the pathway to access and view all your lives going all the way back to Source. This technique also allows the person to go back in time to the past of their current life if necessary, to re-witness traumatic events that created trauma or PTSD, viewing it from a non-emotional point of view, where through the process of suggestion, immediately remove the emotional reaction from the event, in order to see it and understand it from a higher understanding, guided directly and explained from the Higher Self, in order to permanently heal, rehabilitate and integrate these past traumatic moments to find closure. The technique is also used to heal physical pain, injuries, drug use, emotional issues, disease, cancer, recover memories and deal with countless other inflictions permanently, in a single session. Drago is a polymath, an adept researcher and a deep dive investigator with over two decades of study in the fields of Ufology, astrobiology, Exo-politics, consciousness, quantum physics & mechanics; philosophy; galactic history; abductions, the Military Industrial Complex; the Illuminati and the Freemasons; Common, Constitutional, and Admiralty law; Satanic Ritual Abuse and Trauma-based mind control programs. He is also a Project MK-Ultra mind deprogrammer with such groups like Monarch, Krueger, Nacht Waffen, the Secret Space Program, dealing directly with program assets, sex trafficking and assault victims, MILAB’s, alters, the reintegration of those alters, or removing screened memories. He studies ancient civilizations involving the Anunnaki, Atlantean, Egyptian, Catholic and Roman empires and is a store house of esoteric, occult, and gnostic knowledge. Due to a major motorcycle accident in 2005 from crashing violently into a wall at 120 miles per hour, Drago had a Near Death Experience and an Out of Body Experience, breaking numerous bones and suffering substantial brain damage to the parietal and occipital lobe of his brain, including his Reticular Activation System, the the visual processing center of the brain, inadvertently re-wiring his neurons giving him unexpected side effects. He developed numerous cognitive upgrades including a dramatic boost in IQ, claircognizance, precognition, high probability prediction, the capability to understand complicated concepts through fluid intelligence without any foreknowledge of the subject and can process time in slow motion at unfathomable speeds, as the bump on his head caused his eyes to unpredictably access an abnormal amount of frames per second visually that 99% of humans cannot access without the use of slow motion photography allowing him to process speeds of over 200 frames per second with the skill to read people and micro expressions with extreme accuracy in slow motion, making him an amazing hypnosis practitioner and investigator because he can see and detect what others cannot. His legal diagnosis is Traumatic Brain Injury - Post Amnesic Disorder with Retrograde Amnesia and a form of Savant Syndrome. He has the ability to liquidly see concepts as Nikola Tesla did in his mind and how things can be built or created in their most rudimentary and functional form using the least amount of parts. He can reverse engineer technology and tell you how to improve a product with less steps involved, or create a new idea for a product that's never been utilized and constantly thinks of new inventions. He comes from a military family with a famous invention patent. He is a world traveler visiting 18 countries the last decade spreading and collecting knowledge and visiting the ancient sites to find truth about the answers to the universe. He is also a full time tattoo artist and body piercer of 22 years working in Tampa, Florida. Laura Eisenhower ~ website --

The Off Grid Tiny House


Subscribe To The Off Grid Tiny House Get My Live Videos here - Help Support Me Here - Daily Vlog Of My Off Grid Adventure The Off Grid Tiny House. The off grid homestead is all about tiny house life. Its also like an off grid cabin. Not yet in the woods I still need to purchase my own land. The off grid solar homestead will have no power unless provided by the sun. Join as I convert a 48" transport trailer into a mortgage free off grid tiny house! With a limited budget see what is truly possible for comfortable living off the grid. Follow me as I slowly build my homestead with videos posted every few days featuring a wide array of topics like... Off Grid living, Solar Power & Solar Panels wiring construction and more. I want to add Wind Power maybe a Wind Turbine. Rain Harvesting on the roof of my Tiny House is a major part of my plans. Rain Catching on the Homestead as well as Water Storage and Water Treatment. I want to eventually become Self Sufficient. It will be a difficult task but a noble goal. Prepping is also a major feature of my off grid living. Preparing for the worst. My Transport Trailer is amazing so far and I cant believe I have never seen homes built with them before. Other topics covered on my channel... Recycling Reusing products for other then one purpose. Tiny House living and is it really a good idea. Tiny Home pros and cons. Gravity Fed Water system and how it will work in my home. DIY building projects of all sorts. Organic food production and indoor growing. My progress and struggles living in a Small House. Affordable tips and tricks. I am a big fan of Conspiracy. So expect me to talk about these subjects at some point. rob mc Construction Wood Updates Off Grid Homesteader Tiny House on Wheels World Mini apartment Review Inverters Battery Batteries Charge Controller Harbor Freight Propane Tour Join my Face Book Group Below for even more updates. Twitch

The ROOT Brands Verified


ROOT is a social sharing community focused on a foundation to wellness. The principle and primary focus is to Cure the Cause of health concerns versus trying to address the symptoms. Simple in approach, simple in focus, but in simplicity you will find great complexity. Do you desire to feel amazing, function better and have the vitality you deserve? The ROOT channel is designed to bring awareness to the ROOT causes of issues while providing the knowledge to take action to improve your life and that of those you love, both human and animal. We do not claim or imply our products prevent, treat, or cure any illness, disorder or disease. We focus on the ROOT cause to support your personal pathway to create Greatness.



I'm a passionate Aussie hunter and contract shooter who enjoys sharing real life experiences. I live in an area with an abundance of feral animals which I target as a professional vertebrate pest controller. My regular weekly adventures vary between thermal, night vision, ATV hunting and stalking on foot. I hunt everything from Rabbits, Foxes, Feral Cats, Wild Dogs, Goats, Pigs and all Australian Deer species. I would invite you to have a look around my channel. Any questions - Fire them at me, I'm a pretty open book and will gladly try to help if I can. If you would like to additionally support what I am doing. Jump on my Patreon, It is greatly appreciated.