The Power of Neutrality - Get Neutral And Change Happens Verified


Get Neutral - and change will happen So, what IS Neutrality? Merriam-Webster defines neutrality as “not supporting any side or position”. Some see neutral as uncommitted, disinterested, apathetic or passive. OUR definition of neutral is a state where all possibilities have EVEN energy - with NO emotional "charge" on *A* desired outcome. Energetic indifference - if you will Paradoxically, neutrality's energetic evenness allows for MORE energy to attract/manifest what we SAY we want (i.e.the REAL law-of-attraction begins with neutrality, not intention/focus) When we're neutral, bothers no longer inhibit/limit us from our full human potential Get Neutral Website: (no paywall, ever) LinkTree: This channel, information and articles linked are for entertainment purposes only. Please read and understand the disclaimer before perusing the content



I want to tell my story in hopes to help get my story to the right parties to create change of stigma, justice and futures. I also don't want to ever talk about some of these events again...EVER....they are insane..and I come with receipts. This way I can have them documented and move forward. I also am an older mother. I became pregnant at late 36yrs old with a man I loved and was engaged too and he vanished on me. I understand I am pretty far into my life so I want him to be able to view who I was one day...being realistic the platforms may not exist and neither might we at this rate...but I am giving it the "old college try"..Oh I have a smart ass mouth and some really entertaining ones to tell too....buckle up...this is going nowhere that you expect it too! CHooooCHOOOO! also also also :)

On our channel we talk about Punjabi Sikhs, Khalistan and the evils happening in Sikhism and about keeping the unity of India intact.


Welcome to Sharabi Youtuber Against Khalistan! This channel is dedicated to raising awareness and fostering discussions about the Khalistan movement. Join me as we delve into historical, political, and social aspects, providing a balanced perspective and countering misinformation. My goal is to promote unity and peace, offering in-depth analysis and thought-provoking content. Subscribe for regular updates, engaging discussions, and insightful videos on this crucial topic. Let's build a community committed to truth, understanding, and positive change. #Sharabi Youtuber #AgainstKhalistan #Unity #Peace #Truth #India #Khalistan Debate #Awareness #BalancedPerspective