Creation Answers that Point to our Creator God.


Is Evolution True? We look at the same evidence for the Theory of Evolution and the Evidence for God's Creation. Surely if there was a global flood (Noah's Flood), there would be evidence of that kind of catastrophe. What disciplines in Science, like Geology and more. We will look at all major categories of Science: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geology, & More. Is there an effort by colleges to suppress dissenting theories? Science is knowledge, Come n see.

And That's the Truth With Mike Green


Mike and Michele Green have been in Christian counseling ministry since 1984. Their "ministry years" began at the conclusion of a 20 year study of mysticism and esoteric philosophy. Their 20 year quest to find a method that would introduce them to a personal relationship with God did not fulfill their desire. Finally they received the revelation of the truth. Jesus Christ said, "I Am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me." By their choice they announced their willingness to surrender to this truth. The amazing result was that they were introduced to The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Since that day Mike and Michele have endeavored to study the Bible and adopt a lifestyle that is consistent with the lifestyles of disciples of Christ throughout history. And this they have done for more than 25 years. They are quick to tell anyone who asks, "Jesus Christ is alive and well and He loves you more than you can imagine."

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The AI Guy


Step into a world where storytelling meets cutting-edge technology - welcome to the ultimate destination for dynamic Dungeons and Dragons adventures! As a seasoned DM for my home campaign, I know firsthand the power of immersive storytelling. But with the help of AI voices and images, I'm taking my craft to new heights. Join me on a journey that will push the boundaries of what you thought was possible in D&D. With dynamic battle maps, character trackers, and a cast of well-known characters, you'll experience epic battles and thrilling plot twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Are you ready to embark on an adventure unlike any other? Subscribe now and experience the magic of AI-generated storytelling in Dungeons and Dragons for yourself. 🧡Support on Patreon 🧡 ⚔ Join our Discord! ⚔