Tabletop War Room


'Ey Up guys I'm Jimmy and I'm Kyle and welcome to the about section, so what is this channel... well in short its all things Warhammer 40k and other games workshop products. Here we are going to upload primarily Warhammer 40k Battle Reports, Tournament 'Reports', The occasional hobby video and anything we fancy really. So if your reading this you share an interest in the wonderful hobby that is Warhammer so sit back relax, grab a drink and enjoy..... or pick up a paint brush, apply that paint and listen to us wage war, whilst you ready your own forces for the Tabletop! Check out our facebook page for any or all updates or channel previews!

Assembly of the Anglo-Israel Ministries


My name is Dr. Jeffrey W. Frye and I’m the founder of the Assembly of the Anglo-Israel Ministries. We our a politically incorrect Anglo-Israel outreach ministry to Yahweh’s chosen race (true Israel, the White, European peoples) which is the elect remnant of the house of ancient Israel, Christian patriots, nationalists, reconstructionist, and all seeking a higher level of understanding will learn biblical solutions to personal and national problems, and be given the keys to unlock hidden truth. It will proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom (government according to Yahweh’s Law) through our videos and Wednesday night bible study meetings. We believe that we are all seeking a higher level of understanding of Biblical solutions to personal problems and have been given the keys to unlock hidden truths. Though some, maybe many, of our beliefs might be a little off the old beaten path but they are OUR truths in Christ! Please join us with all our videos that we post!



I am UMAR AWAIS From Pakistan This channel is about Traveling Vlogs and sharing All immigration news about visa and documentation For You To Start Your Life In Europe And My Journey How I am Going To Travel To Portugal From Pakistan Be a Part Of My Journey And All The Information Is Based On My Experiences And Latest News From Different Sources. And The Reason i Started this Channel is to help whoever I can so They Don't Make the Same Mistakes I made And have There life Settled in Europe.