Kult America


Hosted by Ryan Socash - 20 years ago I traveled from Chicago to Krakow, where I began the romance of a life time - European culture! My obsession grew to the point that in 2006 I permanently relocated, eventually taking on Polish citizenship, the language, a business, and a family. As the years pass, I found that the more I learned about my new country, the more of a foreigner I realised I was. Basically, the complexities of slavic people pose more questions than answers, and in a way thats how they keep me fascinated. Experience Europe through the eyes of an American immigrant.

Reignite America For a Free United America!


We are paleoconservatives Christian Isolationist. We are America First Independent Constitutionalist. We don't believe in political parties as they usurp power on to themdelves and not We The People. Political parties should be abolished and get independents that work for their districts as WE THE PEOPLE. We don't believe in foreign wars for their resources. We should only go to war if our citizens are harmed or attacked in US soil. We don't believe in funding countries militarily. We are free speech absolutist. All speech protected. We strive for economic freedom and trade. **Mission Statement:** We are empowering individuals to stand up for equality, unity, and change in America. We reject political parties and strive for a better future for all Americans. These Democrats and Republicans has been in power since 1865. They have only brought us wars, bigger government and poverty. They circumvented the constitution and usurp power unto themselves. They turn their intelligence apparatus towards the American people and strip us away from our freedoms. They divided us to conquer us for their control. It's time to fight back.