

Welcome to the asylum, I'm a crazy UK dude who plays games and enjoys the simple things in life, like nachos. Also if your reading this I assume you are interested in my channel. If you are still reading this I assume you are interested in subscribing. Well how about this? You Punch the subscribe now. And if you think my content Is poop, you can unsubscribe. Simples. You gain everything but lose nothing. It's perfect ^_^ P.S. Here is your cookie for subscribing (::) Spread the word & share my channel with your friends, and if you don't have any, share it with the Angry Monkey in your closet.


17 Followers Turning my poetry into lyrics, then bring my writings to life through the power of AI. I realize some really do not like AI. For me, I see this as more of a developer gaining access to a game engine to bring a game to life. Instead I am using a music engine to bring my music to life. My content is just a lot shorter and only audio. Without AI there is basically no chance my writing would have ever become music. I wouldn't have employed musicians to create my songs. I am independent and solo in this endeavor. About the AI I use. I do not use the AIs that do everything for you. The AI I use requires a bit more of a hands on approach. This can be a rather daunting task, from writing the lyrics, figuring out the style, putting a formula together, using trial and error to figure out the type of rhythm I am looking for, then listening to thousands of songs and sifting through all the buggy songs to eventually find the diamond in the rough. Songs that are buggy are rarely salvageable with the current builds that are available.

Jeff & Shanna Just Simplifying


Welcome to our channel! We know that since we moved to Georgia it has been hard for friends and family to keep up with our lives so we decided to turn to the interwebs. We get a lot on enjoyment from several other channels that we have stumbled across that are people we don't even know just sharing their lives. We figured we could do the same thing and hopefully you all enjoy it as well. And yes, there is proof that I'm still midwestern - that "you all" hasn't became a ya'll yet. At least not when I'm typing. Anyways, we are going to try to document what we are up to and post it here for anyone who is interested to follow. We have a lot of plans coming up. We will be taking a lot more trips with the R-pod, hopefully upgrading the tow vehicle, getting the house ready to go on the market in a few years, and figuring out where the heck we want to end up. You can also follow us on Instagram at JS_Just_Simplifying. We hope you enjoy and if you have any questions feel free to ask!