Shane Killian


Note: All of my educational videos are released under a Creative Commons license. I do not sell them for profit. If you'd like to donate whatever you think these videos might be worth, you can do so here: Or join the Bogosity Discord: Or the Lord Killian Discord: Unless otherwise specified, all of my videos are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license. Note: This channel has rules, and they ARE enforced. They are: 1: No spamming/flooding 2: No sockpuppets 3: No threatening behavior 4: No stalking 5: No libel or character assassination 6: No bigoted comments

Lulu Shyann Watchman On The Wall


I follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Messiah; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jehovah; the God of Israel... He saved my soul by His wonderful love, grace and mercy. I love Him with all of my heart and soul; It is my desire to point others to Him, and the gift of salvation that He provided through His death on the cross, His burial and His resurrection. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotton son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16. ♥இڿڰۣ---♥RO S E♥ இڿڰۣ---♥ For You ♥இڿڰۣ---♥ with love♥ ✞✞ ♥♥★≡(◕‿◕)♥♥✞✞ ❥. Super Big Hugs❥. .•*¨*•ღ✿❀ ♥♥♥God Bless You.•*¨*•ღ✿❀♥

Talking Trash and Truths


Hey there! Welcome, welcome, welcome! I'm Shelly and I want to build a community where grown peeps can go to chat about opinions, current hot topics, name it! I'm running this channel from Hoboken, NJ and I have never done this before. I'm excited to try it out though! Lord knows I can talk forever. I have only a few rules. 1. Be kind. 2. Show respect for everyone, including yourself. 3. Discuss, disagree, disassemble your computer chair...Idc, but do NOT bully, disrespect, spam, or belittle anyone. 4. Tell the truth. I am very accepting and you won't get shamed or judged by me. 5. Have fun. I want everyone to come here for a good laugh, some introspection, and to share their experiences and knowledge for the benefit of others. Let's make this a supportive, fun haven for anyone and everyone. FAIR WARNING!!!!!!!!! I am a free speaker and I WILL curse a lot. I will make inappropriate but hilarious comments. I will discuss sensitive and uncomfortable topics, as well as controversial ones. I will share my honest opinions and beliefs and you can try to change my mind with facts, not fuckery (Thanks Emily D Baker!). I will bring you the unvarnished, true version of me. So let's get to chatting! Be warned: I will curse. I will say things you don't agree with. I will offend some. If you're easily hurt or offended, please go somewhere else. Thanks.



On the Cash & Capitol Podcast, we call out corruption and manipulation lurking at the intersection of financial markets & political power. This channel is dedicated to exposing the underhanded dealings and conflicts that drive decisions made by those in-power that impact your investments and everyday life. We reveal how government and financial elites exploit their positions for personal gain, leaving ordinary citizens in the lurch. We discuss how political agendas and financial greed shape financial market trends and economic policies at your expense. Join us in demanding government reform and transparency as we hold those in power accountable for their actions. Subscribe to Cash & Capitol to shine a light on the dark corners of power and corruption that affect us all. X - Youtube - Rumble-



🎥 Rumble Channel: Reuploads from TOGI YouTube Channel Welcome to my Rumble channel! Here, you'll find reuploads of videos originally posted on the TOGI YouTube Channel. I strive to share engaging content from TOGI with a wider audience on Rumble. Please note that I do not create or promote the content uploaded here. I simply share videos from TOGI's YouTube Channel for broader visibility and enjoyment. I cannot be held responsible for the original creation, distribution, or any issues related to these videos. Thank you for watching and supporting the content!