River House Church Sermons Verified


River House is a church family who loves the presence of God. We wear casual clothes and celebrate our freedom in Christ in a non-religious way. Our worship is anointed and contemporary. Our worship leaders make it their aim to be led by the Spirit, usher in the presence of God and facilitate encounters with the Lord. Our teaching and preaching is biblical, practical, transformative and engaging. It is normal to laugh, cry and be transformed by the sermon. We invite you to be transformed by our presence driven, family culture.



Bible Study of things I don't see or hear much anyone discuss or teach that are very important. I will also be glad to answer any and all of your questions pertaining to the videos posted to his channel. I don't make any money doing this, nor will I ask for money. God's Word should be free like salvation and our lives! I also have a Facebook pages to leave people information about what happens to the world after the rapture and what's coming next for you and what you should do ASAP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1936532576762408

Hobo Sermons


A simple musician who just wants to get his music out there. Livestreaming musical covers and originals, and random thoughts. The Anti-Eilish. Just some guy with a guitar and thoughts, along with a blessedly rich family history of music. Most of them being honest, old-timey songs that still endure to this day. I ply my hand at Songwriter with average singing and guitar playing skills. But more than enough to hold my hold. Making music that draws on nostalgia, tradition, and truths. Ain’t much for post-production, nor production for that matter. If you can’t take it with you, can’t be much use.