Gruppo Lupo German Shepherd Dog Blog


Gruppo Lupo, or Wolf Group in English, came to be over time as we strolled our region here in the foothills of the Italian Alps; locals would either greatly admire our sweet beasts or recoil in fear gasping "Cane Lupo!" which is "wolf dog" in Italian. So be it, yes, we are The Gruppo Lupo! And we established this forum in order to share all or our collective knowledge and admiration of our Working Dogs, military, police and civilian. Share your collective training, breeding, diet and health knowledge with The Gruppo and all of our MeWe family.

The Horror Story Hub - German


Willkommen beim Horror Story Hub (THSH), deinem Tor zum kosmischen Horror und dem furchterregenden Unbekannten. Wir erkunden die dunkelsten Ecken des Universums, enthüllen uralte Schrecken und verstörende Wahrheiten, die in den Schatten unserer Welt lauern. Jede Woche entwirren wir neue Geschichten und tauchen in beunruhigende Mysterien ein, die unseren Zeitgeist heimsuchen. Countdown zum Horror-Monat: Mit dem nahenden Oktober laden wir dich zu einem täglichen Countdown ein, der die Schichten der Realität Stück für Stück enthüllt. 33 Tage vor dem Oktober beginnen wir, dich auf kosmische Ereignisse, eldritsche Schrecken und gruselige Geschichten vorzubereiten, die zum schrecklichsten Monat des Jahres führen. Wenn du vom Dunklen und Unbekannten fasziniert bist, abonniere THSH und begleite uns auf einer Reise in den Abgrund—wo jede Enthüllung verstörender ist als die letzte. Der Countdown hat begonnen. Wirst du den Oktober mit intaktem Verstand erreichen? JETZT ABONNIEREN!

Lightspeed German Learning


I help busy IT Professionals learn German, quickly and effectively so that they can easily integrate into German society, without feeling frustrated or intimidated by grammar Do you want to know, how to learn German quickly and effectively without spending hours in the classroom or wasting your time with other unnecessary books and mobile applications that deliver no results? ➤ Then apply now for a qualification call on my website:



Welcome to the official Huberman-Podcast Rumble channel. The Huberman Lab podcast is hosted by Dr. Huberman, a neuroscientist and tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine. The podcast discusses neuroscience and science-based tools, including how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health, as well as existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 10 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.