Talking Tech For Home Based Businesses


Michelle Guinn\\\\\\\'s Talking Tech For Home Based Businesses This channel is dedicated to showing the best digital tools available for home based business owners. We will explore lots of different tools and programs that can help business owners be more productive. Not techy? That\\\\\\\'s OK. This channel has tutorials for beginners and up to help you learn how to use the best programs. About Michelle: Personal Productivity Strategist, Success Mentor, International Speaker, and Coach To Connect With Me: Email:

New Acropolis / Nouvelle Acropole Canada


Philosophy has always been a search for spiritual truth, a process of going more deeply into the knowledge of nature, the human being and the universe. Every act of searching is at the same time an exercise of freedom of consciousness in opposition to ignorance, confusion and the prejudices that prevent calm and deep reflection. For us, Philosophy is an innate attitude in human beings. Our task is to enable that innate attitude to be expressed in actions that will allow us to develop our full potential and improve our world. We propose a practical philosophy that will be useful for each individual and for society. We do this not only through reading, studying and theoretical knowledge, but also by setting ourselves the goal of learning to live well, with strength and efficiency, at every moment in our lives; taking advantage of the opportunities that arise and learning something positive even from adversity. This is what we mean by «Philosophy as a way of life».

Awakening Out Loud


I'm Michelle Sorro, an LA-based truth seeker, transformation guide, and host of Fire & Soul, a top-ranked podcast in self-development since 2018 that I've only shared via audio until now. Nice to finally *see* you. In 2021, I experienced a profound awakening that dropped me to my knees. Death. Rebirth. Maybe that's you right now. I pivoted the Fire and Soul podcast to support the waves of awakenings happening worldwide with the needed tools, knowledge and practices from the most respected, self-actualized luminaries on this planet. What to expect? Completely raw, unfiltered conversations about the path of spiritual awakening, divine law, self-love, the evolution in human consciousness, multidimensional self-awareness, frequency healing, angels + aliens, diverse spiritual rituals, channeling, and conscious entrepreneurship. My passion and purpose is to awaken humanity to the awareness of our divine power and collective destiny. Let's journey!