Australian Sovereignty is alive and well in the QMS


Welcome to Our QMS a brand New way for a brand New Day.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nPlease join us as We build the New beginning in Governance Economic and Societal systems - QMS.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nMore information:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nRegister with QMS:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nLet\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s get together and get Our Australia back.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nGraeme J

Best Ever Food Review Show


I travel to unique parts of the world on the hunt for the best food each country has to offer and share these stories with you in my videos. Hey, I’m Sonny! I’m from the US but currently call Vietnam home. I’ve been living in Asia for 10 years and started making food and travel videos to document my experiences. People either enjoyed my undeniable wit or enjoyed watching me eat interesting food like sea penis, and thus Best Ever Food Review Show came to be. Best Ever Food Review Show is the first food review show exploring the unique foods of each country with a fresh point of view and a punchy delivery, encouraging empathy and understanding of other cultures along the way. From the best street food to the most insane food markets to...well...yes, sea penis, nothing is off limits (except cucumbers. Cucumbers are off limits). I can’t wait to see where this food journey takes us. Don’t forget to follow, so we can connect through food and travel and become Bestys!



As a Reiki Master and owner of my own modality Aurora Mistica (r). I enjoy the use of energy in helping put smiles around the world. I have been offering Remote Reiki Distance Healing online since 2001. I also love pretty much anything creative. Through the years I have been programming physical products remotely with Good Vibe Reiki and/ or Aurora Mistica (r). All my videos are imbued with distance healing energy. Some videos include visible as well as Subliminal Affirmations. I also design print on demand products which also are energetically enhanced.

Hat Trick Letter


Golden Jackass is the site of numerous important mega-forecasts related to the degradation and destruction of the global financial system, the diverse forecasts range from the housing bust in 2007, the mortgage bond bust that followed, the insolvent US banking system, the Dubai debt bust, the Southern European sovereign bond bust, the USTreasury false rally, the extended QE to Infinity policy, and the spread between the COMEX gold price and the real world physical Price of Gold, next the Petro-Dollar demise and the Gold Trade Settlement platform arrival, with the new BRICS Gold Central Bank, and climax USGovt debt default.

Dan Wos - Good Gun Bad Guy


Dan Wos / Bio: Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and Author of the "Good Gun Bad Guy” - book series. He is a contributing writer for AmmoLand News, Daily Caller, Truth About Guns and several other publications. Dan can be found on radio stations across the Country speaking on behalf of gun-rights and exposing the strategies of the anti-gun crowd. Dan is also the Host of "The Loaded Mic" and has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, NRATV and many others.