Geschichte Research


History (Greek: , historia (meaning "to investigate, knowledge acquired through research"; Arabic: اريخ, tārīkh; German: geschichte) is the study of the past, especially how it relates to humans. chronicle, hikayat, history, date, Tawarik, tambo, or history can be interpreted as events and events that actually occurred in the past or the origin (descendants) of genealogies, especially for reigning kings. These are general terms related with past events and the discovery, collection, organization, and presentation of information about these events. This term includes cosmic, geological, and the history of living things, but is often defined generally as human history. Scholars who write about history are called historians or historians. historian.Events that occurred before written records are called Prehistory. History can also refer to the academic field that uses narrative to examine and analyze the sequence of past events, and objectively determine the cause and effect patterns that define them. Historians have sometimes debated the nature of history and its usefulness by discussing the study of the science of history as an end in itself and as a way of providing a "view" on contemporary problems. Stories common to a particular culture, but not supported by outsiders (such as those around King Arthur) are usually classified as cultural heritage or legend, because they do not support the necessary "interested inquiry" of the historical discipline. Herodotus, 5th century BC expert Greek history is considered in Western society as the "father of history", and, together with contemporary Thucydides, helped form the basis for the modern study of human history. Their work continues to be read today and the gap between Herodotus' culture and the military-focused Thucydides remains a point of contention or approach in modern historical writing. In Eastern tradition, a chronicle of the state of Chun Qiu is known to be compiled as early as 722 BC although 2nd century BC texts have survived. Ancient influences have helped interpret the seed variants of historical traits that have developed over the centuries and continue to change today. The modern study of history began to expand, and included the study of a particular area and the study of certain topical or thematic elements in historical investigation. Often history is taught as part of primary and secondary education, and the academic study of history is the main subject of research at the University.

American Regenerative Farming Education & Research


Dear Friends and Supporters, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Smoky Inferno, a startup on a mission to educate the public about the food they consume every day. Our unique blend of BBQ hub and interactive learning experiences aims to tackle the crucial problems facing America today. Our planet is in desperate need of protection, and the future of our food supply is at risk. Soil degradation, toxic substances in our food, and the loss of millions of bees are only a few of the major challenges we face. That's why Smoky Inferno is launching to take action now!

Pain market research reports and survey results Verified


This channel highlights presentations of reports published by Pain Insights to better understand the needs of patients with pain, paint a picture of the patient journey, review key trends in the management of pain, and to provide insights supportive of the development and commercialization of innovative analgesics addressing key unmet needs. Pain Insights was founded in 2001 to offer marketing strategy consultation and market research services exclusively in the area of pain management. Senior management closely monitors developments in the management of pain. This ongoing surveillance, coupled with extensive experience, provides the principals with the knowledge and context to make analytical and well-reasoned assessments of current and future market trends and potential opportunities.

American Institute for Interdisciplinary Research


The purpose of American Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (AIIR) is to build a bridge between research and action on the ground in order to link academic research and community involvement to better promote people's wellbeing. We are problem solvers providing independent services to governments, private firms, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Our multidisciplinary nature allows us to promptly put together diverse researchers to tackle problems from multiple directions. We are working with international, national, state, and local agencies, our vision is that scholars and communities inform and strengthen each other through research to improve human capital formation to sustain growth and social justice.

NDE Research Project


This channel is dedicated to open-minded and critical research of the following phenomena: - Near Death Experiences (NDEs) - Shared Death Experiences (SDEs) - Deathbed Premonitions & Visitations - Pre-Birth Memories - Life Between Lives & Past Life Regression - Astral Projection - Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) - Lucid Dreaming - Meditation - Reincarnation - After Death Communication (ADC) - Altered States of Consciousness - Terminal Lucidity - Sovereignty & Liberation at Natural Death (moksha, nirvana, etc.) This channel is for educational purposes only.