PunkRock Parents React


The Low Budget Family Hour features a variety of the most excellent content on the lowest budget. For reviews of Music Videos, Books, Concerts, Places, and Events check out Geeking Things and PunkRock Parents React. We'll react to almost anything. What we find entertaining, we share with you.! Check out the Boring Cooking Show if you want to try an easy, cheap, and delicious recipe. No fluff, just food!!! There you can find tried and enjoyed recipes to feed a large or small horde! We've cut out the fluff and pomp by not making the show about the host but instead just bringing you good recipes our family has tried and loved. And we have some picky ones.

Class-Punk on Truth, Beauty, Virtues, and Love Verified


A Rumble channel and companion Substack exploring probabilities around meaning in life and the wisest love. Substack: https://classpunk.substack.com/ Thumbnail art: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blake_jacobsladder.jpg Backsplash art: https://www.wikiart.org/en/thomas-cole/the-garden-of-eden-1828 All my content is free online except physical and Kindle copies of books. I’d love to be a full time polymath, with some of that being a regular focus on finding things I enjoy doing that can also serve others, and bring more meaning into my life and theirs. In pursuit of that, I am taking non-subscription donations of any amount Ko-fi allows here: https://ko-fi.com/classpunk

Auf den Punkt


Auf den Punkt ist eine Video-Kolumne von freiheitsfunken.info Die Freiheitsfunken verstehen sich als Plattform für argumentative Gegenwehr gegen die Übergriffigkeit des Politischen und zur Verteidigung von Werten. freiheitsfunken.info Freiheitsfunken AG Baarerstrasse 82 CH-6302 Zug E-Mail: info@freiheitsfunken.info Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Kantons Zug: CHE-227.786.647 Namentlich gekennzeichnete Beiträge werden von den Autoren selbst verantwortet und geben nicht in jedem Fall die Meinung des Herausgebers wieder. Chefredakteur: André F. Lichtschlag E-Mail: lichtschlag@freiheitsfunken.info Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher i.S.d. § 18 Abs. 2 MStV: André F. Lichtschlag (Anschrift siehe oben) Zum vollständigen Impressum: https://freiheitsfunken.info/impressum/

Goons Army Punk Rock Band Verified


GOON'S ARMY formed in Southern California in 1997 by frontman/vocalist Sergeant Bloodfest and guitarist Commander Paranoia. The band went through several line up changes featuring a long list of *soldiers*. Commander Paranoia's younger brother, Captain Tormento later joined the band for sometime and later followed by former drummer, Major Death. The everchanging line up would later introduce Corporal Decay on guitar, Lieutenant Hooligan on drums, Colonel Kuputz on bass. In 2016, Captain Tormento rejoined the band along with a third guitar player they call Major Massacre. Lieutenant Hooligan took up vocals alongside Sergeant Bloodfest. The duo singers are known for engaging their fans with wild stage antics and love to make a spectacle of themselves! Check the Goon's Army on: Spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/goonsarmy