

"Everest 有聲聖經"朗讀的主內姊妹,出生於台灣,1976年移民來美,過去幾年來,一直委身於推動讀經運動。 2020年初,適逢新冠病毒肆虐,所居之地面臨居家隔離之際,有感動在此期間錄製中文合和本"女聲版"有聲聖經。 感謝主,經過半年時間,由20位代禱牧者及同工、三位校對姊妹及二位調音、錄音、Youtube製作弟兄的團隊服事,完成了這項聖工。

"Battle Royale Rumble: PUBG Mobile Madness!"


"Welcome to the heart-pounding world of PUBG Mobile Rumble! 🎮🔥 Get ready to dive into adrenaline-pumping battles where you'll experience the ultimate thrill of survival. 🏹💣 Strategize, loot, and outwit your foes as you drop into vast battlegrounds, armed with an arsenal of weapons and your wits. 🏅🏆 Join our community of fearless warriors as we embark on action-packed adventures, showcasing epic kills, insane clutch plays, and awe-inspiring victories. 🎥🎬 Whether you're a seasoned pro or a rookie ready to conquer, this is your chance to showcase your skills and revel in the electrifying moments that make PUBG Mobile the king of battle royales! 🌟⚡ So grab your chicken dinner dreams and let the rumble begin! 🍗🏅 #PUBGRumble #SurvivalOfTheFittest #ChickenDinnerChasers"