Welcome to Prophetic Intercessors Network, a global prophetic platform dedicated to releasing timely prophetic words to nations and the Body of Christ. Our mission is to uplift, guide, and unite believers worldwide through prophetic intercession and prayer. Join us for powerful online intercessory sessions every Tuesday and Friday at 8pm EST, streamed live on Rumble, X, and YouTube. Whether you're seeking spiritual insight or desire to engage in collective prayer for global transformation, Prophetic Intercessors Network is your space to connect with God's heart for the world.

Prophetic Fire


Welcome to Prophetic Fire! This channel is dedicated to exploring and sharing the Word of God, the prophetic, and prophetic words. I am passionate about experiencing and showcasing the powerful movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the world today. Join me for: In-depth teachings from the Bible. Inspirational prophetic messages and insights. Real-life testimonies of the Holy Spirit’s work. Guidance on how to cultivate a deeper relationship with God and operate in the prophetic. Whether you’re new to faith or a seasoned believer, my aim is to encourage and equip you in your spiritual journey. Subscribe and be a part of this vibrant community, ignited by the fire of God’s Spirit!

Omega Mission: A Prophetic Apostolic Pentecostal Ministry


Prophetic Words from the Lord based on truth. Focus is on salvation, End Time Bible prophecy, Prayer, Walking in the Spirit, and the Love of Jesus. My name is Kimberly Hoover. I am born again of the water and of the Spirit since 2004, and am a chosen vessel of Jesus Christ for the following mission: to preach the Gospel to every creature and bring forth the the End Time message, that Christ returns soon. I am married to my wonderful husband, Timothy, have 5 children, and 1 grandchild. The Lord has called me into the prophetic ministry, into teaching, and have been actively involved with music and children’s ministry at our local church over the years. I am also a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Wisconsin. Like, Share, and Follow the Omega Mission Channel on Rumble. Also visit our website at:

Lorena Cox


This channel will facilitate various spiritual trainings for the equipping of the body of Christ. These trainings will help you expand your understanding of hearing God\'s voice for yourself and others, gifts of the spirit, prayer, healing, and more. You will develop your prophetic gift, experience God\'s love, new developments, and blessings as you participate and learn through scripture, exercises, and assignments. Note that this channel will mostly focus on prayer and the prophetic.

Relive History - Delve into the fascinating crossroads of technology and storytelling, reviving enthralling historical tales through high-resolution, photo-realistic visuals.


Welcome to Prophetic Past! Here, we delve into the fascinating crossroads of technology and storytelling, reviving enthralling historical tales through high-resolution, photo-realistic visuals. We present a diverse array of content, spanning from gripping historical documentaries to contemporary incidents, featuring a myriad of genres and themes designed to keep you immersed and entertained. Whether you’re a history enthusiast or a connoisseur of rich storytelling, we extend a warm invitation for you to subscribe to our channel and embark on this enlightening journey with us. For any queries or collaborations, please reach out to

Prophetic Live Giving Channel Ministry´s - Deutsch


Gottes Stimme zur den Nationen\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nICH BIN NUR EIN DIENSTKNECHT UND DIENE UM DICH IN EINEN LIEBESBEZIEHUNG MIT JESUS ZU BRINGEN UM DICH ZU BINDEN AN SEINEM HERZEN SO DAS DU DEINEN WEG MIT GOTT WANDELN KANNST UM ALL DIE DINGEN ZU TUN WOFÜR ER DICH BERUFEN HAT ZU TUN UND ZU SEIN.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nVERGESSE UNS, VERGESSE MICH, ABER VERGESSE NIEMALS DEN LIEBHABER DEINER SEELE ZU LIEBEN. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nGLAUBE MIR, WIR SIND NICHTS ANDERS ALS HEIßBLÜTIGE LIEBHABER VON UNSER GOTT, DIE DIR DEN WEG ZEIGEN ZUR SEINEM HERZEN UND ZUR SEINEM KÖNIGREICH UND NICHT DEN WEG ZUR EINEN VERSAMMLUNG, ODER EINEN PASTOR, EINEN PROPHET ODER EINEN APOSTEL ODER WAS FÜR EINEN DIENST DAN AUCH. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nJA WIR KOMMEN ALS VÄTER UND WIR WERDEN DICH LIEBEN WIE EINEN WAHRHAFTIGE VATER. BEI ZEITEN WIRST DU EINEN ZÜCHTIGUNG BEKOMMEN WENN DU UNS EINEN VATER FÜR EUCH SEIN LÄSST, ABER MIT TRÄNEN IN HERZEN UND IN UNSER AUGEN TRAINIEREN UND ERZIEHEN WIR DICH DAMIT DU EINS WIRST MIT DEN LIEBHABER DEINER SEELE. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nNiemals soll irgendeinen Dienstknecht über dich herrschen, über deine Wille hinweg bestimmen was gut für dich ist. Es gibt nur einer die deine Herr und Meister ist und das ist der Liebhaber deiner Seele, Jesus! (Jeshua) Sei gesegnet und geliebt durch den Vater, den Sohn und der Heiliger Geist und Wandel mit Gott den allerhöchste, den Schöpfer deiner Seele. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nIch bin dein Dienstknecht, Apostel Prophet Johannes John und ich diene dir mit alles was mein Vater mir gegeben hat dir zu überreichen damit du gedeihst und stark wirst in das kennen und tun von Gottes Wille für dein Leben, für dein Herz, für deine Seele. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nIn Gottes Dienst und in Seiner Auftrag:

Talking About How To Look Good


Humans have a peculiar trait in that they pay close attention to everything else, even the minutiae of other people's lives, yet often overlook their greatest strength. health. Everyone is born with a unique set of aspirations for their lives, but we all share the need for good physical and mental health in order to realize those dreams. That's why it's fair to state that good health ranks as the top priority for everyone. Having good health is important if you want to live a full and happy life and reach your goals and dreams. Because when we're sick, we usually don't have the energy or mental capacity to worry or focus on anything else. 1. Constructing a rational, balanced diet. 2. Include extra raw veggies and nuts in your diet. 3. Don't eat processed meals, and limit your intake of meat and alcohol. 4. Maintain an attitude of hope, levity, and improved positivity. 5. Participate in physical activity, sports, and athletics on a regular basis. 6. Replenish your supply of alkaline ionized water daily. 7. Get your health checked on a regular basis. As we go into the next century, the remarkable growth of society has increased the need for beauty, health care, and the forms of contemporary men and women, and it shows no sign of waning. Beauty has been around for a long time, and as civilization has progressed, so have the many different ways that it may be expressed, from the tried-and-true to the cutting edge, from the straightforward to the complex. difficult to achieve in order to meet the unending standards of beauty. Demand for contemporary beauty is rapidly increasing as people are pushed into frameworks such as having to be more sophisticated and luxurious by modern living. People start caring more about how they seem to others, and they realize that pursuing physical attractiveness has benefits beyond the individual. The pursuit of beauty is ingrained in human nature; we do it to boost our self-esteem, increase our appreciation for life, and ensure that our loved ones always have a positive and uplifting impression of us. to teach me how to find happiness again when I'm feeling down. As a general rule, beauty may be used by both sexes as a means of self-expression and satisfaction with one's own existence. Age-specific beauty needs include enhancement, maintenance, and restoration. All aspects of a person, from their outward demeanor and inner life to their physical fitness and sculpted figure, are considered beautiful. The pursuit of beauty is entirely reasonable and boundless, improving one's appearance from head to toe. Taking care of one's physical and mental health is essential in current times, and a healthy mental balance and an optimistic outlook are two key components of what constitutes a beautiful person. The new beauty outcomes won't be as gorgeous or long-lasting till that time comes. Knowing what is effective and safe for your beauty routine is essential if you want to prevent significant injuries. This Channel is intended for informative and educational reasons and should not be regarded as any type of medical advice. As usual, you, the onlooker, the reader, should speak with a licensed health professional such as your own doctor. Never make changes to your diet or exercise routine without first consulting with your doctor or fitness trainer. Being cautious rather than sorry is the better option. #beauty #fitness #fitnessmotivation #diet #heathy #skincare #yoga #weightloss