Comms, Predictive Programming And Decodes


Predictive Programming is the theory that the government or other higher-ups are using fictional movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of planned future events. This was first described and proposed by researcher Alan Watt who defines Predictive programming as “Predictive programming is a subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them as natural progressions, thus lessening possible public resistance and commotion.” (Wood) Then it was popularized by Alex Jones and David Icke. The most notable cases of predictive programing are the examples found in the Simpsons, The Dark Night Rises, The Hunger Games, and the oldest being from Futility. Information can be found on blog posts and many conspiracy theorists have either made videos on it or have spoken on the subject.



Program Your Life is your complete resource for self empowerment and living the life of your dreams. This channel will focus in on solutions to life's problems using the Law of Attraction. Using the power of the Law of Attraction .Program Your Life helps people around the world create a life of abundance, wealth, health and love. Using the power of the Law of Attraction Program Your Life helps people around the world create a life of abundance, wealth, health and love. The information contained on Program Your Life YouTube Channel is for general information purposes only. We don't support gambling , Or Any Get Rich Quick Schemes . And the list goes so on All the information is based on law of attraction . if you believe you can attract Is our Moto . we never encourage people to buy any third party services or go to any external third party website to buy any product . Each and every video on our channel is for information , Motivational and Educational Purpouse only .

Programa de Humanidades


Me dedico a la profunda reflexión e introspección humana. Mi propósito es dar a conocer tendencias de pensamiento populares, pero sobre todo, nuevas alternativas para ser y estar en el mundo. Maneras que facilitan la plenitud del ser humano, cuyos atributos cósmicos son ignorados por el Sistema que organiza la vida en la Tierra. La dinámica de la espiritualidad creativa de aplicación práctica, sirve para llegar más lejos que la filosofía, más adentro que el intelectual que olvida el alma y, también, más allá de los resultados del coach de crecimiento personal que promueve recetas difíciles de acomodarse en lo cotidiano. Ojalá sea capaz de inspirar. Propongo la vibración de la energía, la expansión de consciencia del mundo saludable y pacífico que sólo es posible desde la cooperación y los principios humanistas. Además de estimular, debo provocar desafíos. NOTA: Las ideas expuestas y todas las opiniones, no representan a ninguna ideología o institución o forma de gobierno.

Mo' Boxing, No Problem


Mo' Boxing, No Problem is a channel created by Jose Manjarrez Jr. to bring you pre-fight breakdowns and post-fight discussions around the biggest fights in boxing. Alongside cohosts Ezequiel Ruiz Anguiano and David Sanchez Toscano, the channel will also feature interviews with pro boxers, coaches, ring announcers, and many more prominent figures in the world of boxing. New content drops weekly. If you are interested in being featured on the channel or would like to collab on a project, feel free to email to set something up. Don't forget to follow and if you like the videos, share them!

About Programming Code


Welcome to our Programming channel! We are dedicated to providing quality content for programmers of all levels. Whether you are just getting started with Programming, our channel has something for you. We cover a wide range of Programming topics, including: Introduction to programming: Learn the basics of the language, such as data types, variables, operators, and control structures Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Dive deeper into OOP concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation Advanced Programming topics: Learn more advanced features of Programming such as templates, exceptions, and the (STL) Tip and tricks for writing efficient and maintainable code Debugging and problem-solving techniques Best practices for software development Real-world examples and case studies In addition to our video tutorials. We strive to make our content engaging, informative, and easy to follow. Join our community of programmers and start learning Programming today!

JavaScript Game Programming Projects Tutorials


On this channel, I showcase my portfolio projects and create coding tutorials. I am currently working on a javascript tutorial series where I focus on game programming with html, css, and javascript. My goal is to provide HD quality coding tutorials with detailed explanations within the shortest amount of time possible. If that is something that interests you, please consider subscribing and sharing this channel with friends and family! Stay tuned for my next video!