This is a Christian apologetics channel where we are not politically correct, we are biblically correct. We focus on the existence of God and speaking in defense of the Christian faith. This channel addresses the many false beliefs out there, today's culture, and how to answer the hard questions. With a simple and logical approach we help Christians answer many commonly asked question on why we believe in what we believe, honoring Jesus Christ and always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who ask with gentleness and respect. 1 PETER 3:15

• Apologetics • Evangelism • Theology


▶ I\\\'m from Norway, living in Slovakia, married, ex.footballer, now self-employed. I wish to present the logic, rationality, evidence materials, and arguments for the Christian faith. Or, as many non-believers think it really is; a blind faith in an old, bearded, evil, sky daddy. \n\n"GOD has NO pleasure in the death of the wicked; but rather that they turn from their ways and live." (Ezekiel 33:11) \n\n I work a daily full-time job, but my goal is to do ministry work part-time. I created a tier called for fun "Buy Me 1 Cup Of Coffee Every Week" - it\\\'s not about coffee, but about keeping me in part-time of doing ministry work. If you find value in my content, and are able to (no pressure!) - PRAYFULLY consider to support me on Patreon, Paypal, or Subscribestar. \n\nI\'m on Rumble because I don\'t speak the language here in Slovakia, so its hard to spread the Gospel here - but I do speak English. So... Dear Rumble; Jesus rose again!

Apologeet (apologetics)


Welcome to my Rumble channel. The name of my channel, Apologeet, is Dutch for 'apologist'. Whenever possible, I try to make the videos in two languages, Dutch and English. I hope you'll enjoy my channel, where you can find many videos which can help you as an apologist. NOTE: Please keep in mind that Apologeet is not meant to be a debate forum. There are many other channels/websites/blogs that offer this possibility. This channel is to help Christians in their faith. To strengthen and equip those who want to. BUY me a Coffee ➜ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/apologeet DONATE via PayPal ➜ https://paypal.me/apologeet DONATE via STRIPE ➜ https://www.apologeet.nl/stripe FOLLOW: ODYSEE (WhooHoo) ➜ https://odysee.com/$/invite/@apologeet:3 BITCHUTE ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/apologeet/ WEBSITE ➜ https://www.apologeet.nl GAB ➜ https://gab.com/Apologeet RUMBLE ➜ https://rumble.com/c/c-2875134 MINDS ➜ https://www.minds.com/apologeet/ TELEGRAM ➜ https://t.me/Apologeet_apologetics LINKEDIN ➜ https://www.linkedin.com/in/apologeet/ YOUTUBE (Bleh) ➜ https://www.youtube.com/user/apologeet