Cesar Nascimento


Bem-vindo(a) ao meu canal! Aqui você encontrará conteúdo de qualidade sobre alguns dos temas mais relevantes para a compreensão da sociedade contemporânea, sempre com informações fundamentadas e sem sensacionalismo. Sou diplomata de carreira, mas meus interesses vão muito além da diplomacia: abrangem desde literatura e história até economia e psicologia, entre outros. Pretendo abordar os mais variados assuntos e convido todos a colaborar, apresentando críticas e comentários. Inscreva-se no canal e participe desta conversa franca e aberta! As opiniões aqui expressas têm caráter pessoal e não representam necessariamente a posição do Governo brasileiro.

Enlighten Me with Joe Pena


Having operated under the radar for over a decade, I was persuaded to publish my own work, aside from the work I've produced for others all this time. You'll find narrations, interviews, and other related material that might help you navigate your own journey in this lifetime. Much of it isn't my own material, but it's evident in each piece what inspired the media you'll find here. That said, Enlighten Me is a show that focuses on all things high-vibe. There is enough low vibrational material online, in print and in the media. Enlighten Me is a refuge. A way station. A place to reawaken that spirit within you that yearns for expression in your day to day life. That is what Enlighten Me is all about. Thanks for visiting. Joe(TheProducer)



The Capstone Presentation celebrates the culmination of a student's educational journey at PEP through Humanities Core F. At the beginning of their senior year, students select a relevant topic they are passionate about in our world and society. They spend the year researching the topic while cultivating their skills in rhetoric in preparation for the capstone speech. It is a 20 minutes presentation of their research using their rhetorical skills of style, memory, and delivery.