

Shenzhen Hong Zheng technology limited is now a manufacturer specializing in 100% natural and genuine Turquoise and gemstone handmade jewelry.Found in June 2010, ShenZhen, China, with establishing the brand of “ZH Gems”, Shenzhen Hong Zheng technology limited is now a manufacturer specializing in 100% natural and genuine Turquoise and gemstone handmade jewelry, which active both in the natural and genuine gemstone fashion Sterling silver,14K/18K /10K/9K gold jewelry and trade jewelry industry with over 13 years experiences. ◆ We have own Turquoise mine which located in HuBei of China; ◆ Factory located at DongGuan, HuiZhou and HuBei of China; ◆ Sale office in LongGang District, ShenZhen, China. ◆ More than 10 salers-team members; ◆ More than 200 handmade manufacture workers; ◆ Cut Turquoise and Gemstone factory ◆ Gems inlay Sterling Silver and 14K/18K Gold Jewelry factory



Regina Angelorum Press Inc. is pleased to bring you Our Lady of Fatima Rosary Crusade. Website: https://reginangelorumpress.com/ Prayer Intentions: https://reginangelorumpress.com/prayer-intentions/ Prayer Booklet: https://reginangelorumpress.com/daily-rosary/ Contribute: https://reginangelorumpress.com/contribute/ Everyday at 12 noon Eastern Time, and then every hour throughout the next 24 hours, Catholics throughout the world unite in praying the Holy Rosary together. To date, Catholics from Israel, Uganda, Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, the United Kingdom, the US, Canada, Mexico, Dominica, Hawaii, Chile, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, India, Indonesia, as well as other countries, have been joining in prayer.

Digging Deeper Original Podcasts


Veteran Radio Broadcasters Andi and Brian Hale dig deeper into realm of critical thinking with segments on health and wellness (Healthy Living), trending news (Truman's Matrix), systemic corruption (The Ugly Truth), and faiths of the world (Faith Matters). Join us LIVE on Friday Nights from 9-11 pm in the central standard time zone. 7-9 pm pacific 8-10 pm mountain 9-11 pm central 10-12a eastern LIVE on RUMBLE or on our website at https://www.DiggingDeeperTV.com 1. Healthy Living 2. Truman's Matrix 3. The Ugly Truth 4. Faith Matters Each segment is generally around 30 minutes or less, however some just have to be longer due to the nature of the content. If you have a subject that you would like our research team to dig into, please let us know in the comments, or email the team at diggingdeeperus@gmail.com. If you would like to be on the show, either pre-recorded or LIVE, please text Brian Hale at 940-224-6315 to request an interview. If you would like to advertise on our podcast, we have some great options for any budget. We are here to tell the truth to as many folks as possible. If others help that financially along the way, then they realize we are in this together and we appreciate that team effort. Since we are in Radio, and we are Website and Graphic Developers, Highest Level Programmers and have a Marketing and Consulting Company, we can obviously help. Over 1,000 Websites Developed Over 1,000,000 Podcast Downloads Over 30 years on the Radio in 8 States Over 1,000,000 Reach on Social Media and a personality, to boot. We were created to help others. Take advantage of that. We dare you. - Fearless Leader