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Welcome to my IRL Rumble channel, where real life gets hilariously messy. From awkward encounters to epic fails, you'll witness it all. I can't promise I'll always have my life together, but I can promise I'll entertain you with my chaos. Let's make the best of our unpredictable world together.
Russian Orthodox Revolution Against Hegemony provides a unique look at the fight against American hegemony from an Orthodox Christian perspective. Our engaging discussions, insightful interviews, and funny memes are sure to spark debate and shed light on important topics related to Russian society, politics, and global affairs. We feature insightful interviews with notable individuals, such as naturalized Russian citizens with American heritage such as Russell "Texas" Bentley, John Mark Dougan, and more, as we discuss topics related to Russian society, politics, and global affairs.
King.menelaos on tiktok
For more information visit - www.firstportofcall.org
Study in Danial 8
The Greek Orthodox Chapel of Saint Jude Thaddeus is located in the courtyard of the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Isidoroi (Holy Archdiocese of Athens). The cave Church of Saint Isidoroi functioned in the 17th century as a hermitage with a small number of monks. The name of the hermitage is due to the finding of the image of Saints Isidore in the hands of a hermit. This channel is a minimal attempt to present the Apostle Jude Thaddeus who is notvery whell known.
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United Orthodox Christians is part of the PMZ community, created to share Orthodox Christian values in English. ---- www.pmz.mk
Co nam rujnuje ODPORNOŚĆ?
Sts. Theodore’s Mission statement: "Enlightening those in darkness" Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ taught us that we are called to be a light to the world. Also by walking in the light of Christ we naturally reaffirm the true Orthodox philotimo (meaning the Holy Spirit guiding a community in its beliefs and aspirations through the contemplation of the Holy Trinity) amongst our brothers and sisters in the Orthodox Church. LINKS: Sts. Theodore ststheodore.org Eastern American Diocese eadiocese.org Holy Trinity Monastery jordanville.org Orthodox Life orthodoxlife.org Orthodox Wisdom youtube.com/@OrthodoxWisdom
This Channel is following Ben Norton Interviews News an Analysis DISCLAIMER I am NOT Ben Norton and if RUMBLE or anyone else has an issue with any of this material please let me know and I will delete it otherwise fair use in education and work is why I use it to understand current political affairs Thanks Ben NortonBenjamin (Ben) Norton is an investigative journalist and analyst. Ben is the founder and editor of Geopolitical Economy Report. He lived in and reported from Latin America for several years, and is now based in Beijing, China.
Top Secret Magic TV Celebrity Magician Mal Norton and Jamie. 8 years of Tricks and antics of the week https://www.facebook.com/groups/208389466709020 https://www.youtube.com/@topsecretmagictvwithmalnor6699
For more than 35 years, the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs has been essential reading for the nation’s most sophisticated populace. Our readers rely on us for the most comprehensive, analytical coverage of news from the Middle East, Muslim countries, Europe, and the United States.
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