Hindsight History


Follow me as I unlearn and disclose content of humanities heroes & villains in a hidden history our ruling class DON'T want to to know about. Over 180 VIDEOS and 17,500 POSTS X/Twitter is how active I am in the disclosure of humanities hidden history. I sieve through hours of disclosure content (so you don't have to) and share the very best 'highbrow' news from humanities hidden history in exo-politics and the geo-politics theatres. I firmly believe humanity is at the cusp of a great awakening away from the bondage of a nefarious ruling class; by following my channels you clearly show a VOTE to everyone that you are fully behind THE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY campaign. I am unlearning as much as you are, so I always encourage comments, as the only way to learn is to question everything and make our own conclusions. Peace & Love TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@hindsight_history RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/Unlearning1 X/TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Unlearning1 (17,500 POSTS) BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sM2ZCVYiV2h0/ (More Sensitive Content)

A Rood Awakening


Former US Marine, Michael Rood, dares to go where few men have gone before; to challenge long-standing traditions and man-made religious systems and to guide all "who have ears to hear" to a historically accurate interpretation and rational understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures. Michael Rood has earned his reputation as the Messianic matador who waves his tattered red cape in the face of the religious bull of this generation, finally roasting the golden calf of churchianity and serving it up with the leaven-free bread of life. Michael's television series: Prepare for A Rood Awakening! from Israel has been heralded as the most energetic exposition of Scriptural truth to come out of Israel in over a millennium! Visit our video website: http://michaelrood.tv and download the Michael Rood TV App!

Christian Warrior Training


If you love guns and you love Jesus, you're in the right place. The Christian Warrior is focused on giving you the knowledge and skills to protect your church. We do this by giving you shooting drills, qualification standards and training ideas. If you have a love for our Lord and Savior and have a capacity to protect your fellow man, then you are in the right place. Romans 13:4 #securitytraining #securityyourchurch #churchdefensetraining #ministrysecurity #schoolsecurity #churchsecuritycameras #ministrysecurityvideo #securityclasses #selfdefenseplanforchurch #churchselfdefensetips #securityteam #security,training #selfdefensetraining #securityguard #church #activeselfprotectionextra #activeselfprotection

Tactical Civics™


With many Americans disenchanted at elections, party politics and government corruption, Christians and conservatives are taking up a new way of life called Tactical Civics™. The parent organization, AmericaAgain! Trust, is a charitable perpetual trust and member organization that invested over 80,000 hours by 45 researchers and volunteers to build America’s first full-spectrum solution under the brand Tactical Civics™, to address fears, frustration, and complaints today about politics and government corruption. Now in over 1600 county chapters in all 50 states and adding 4-6 chapters daily, the private member organization is proudly Christian. Its 12 minute video introduces a new way of life for repentant, responsible Americans, that entails seven action projects: 1) Build numbers in each county to be effective and accepted as a new way of life; 2) Teach all members accurate history, civics, mission tactics and strategy; 3) Demystify the People’s ancient institutions of Grand Jury and Militia and get its Grand Jury and Militia ordinances enacted in all counties; 4) Finish ratifying the original first article in the Bill of Rights, still awaiting final ratification by 27 more states, breaking the U.S. House back down into small districts as the Founders intended, to end the big city headlock on American government; 5) Enact its ‘Bring Congress Home Act’ to create history’s first distributed legislature, with all legislators limited to two terms; congressmen only getting 50% of current salary and two staffers; senators, six. All must office full-time in their hometowns (but senators may office in their state capital city); 6) Launch its Indictment Engine™ mobile app to keep state and federal legislators from enacting unconstitutional laws as they have been doing for generations; and 7) Over years, push through its 20 other major reform laws to scrape back everything that’s been stolen from the People over 160 years by criminal servants at all levels. Founder David Zuniga of Texas, a former engineer and author of 15 books including The Great We-Set™, is bullish on the future: “It may not look like it, but we’re witnessing the kicking, howling death of 160-year-old American Communism. This is the best time in history to be alive; finally with a full-spectrum, lawful, Christ-centered, multi-generational solution.” The website is https://tacticalcivics.com/ Whereas this site may well be an advocate of Tactical Civics™, it is, nevertheless, neither a Tactical Civics™ nor an AmericaAgain! Trust website. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by nor affiliated with Tactical Civics™ or AmericaAgain! Trust.

AGA Network - America's Greatest Awakening


The AGA Network is dedicated to providing content that is encouraging, empowering, uplifting, and entertaining. We are about to experience the greatest awakening American has ever seen. With viewers located across the globe, AGA is focused on impacting as many people as possible through many shows founded in faith-based, Kingdom messages. Along with spiritual programming, AGA aims to provide additional content including sports, history, news, and podcasts around various topics. No matter the subject matter, though, AGA recognizes the viewers’ needs for positive content that can be shared with the whole family. Streaming now on all smart TVs and mobile devices.

For enlightening the world. JOHN, MESHA, TIM, YOU


This channel is dedicated to helping everyone get closer to the practical truth and true that to become immaculate hearts. Sadly, people today do not yet understand the connection between what they do or feel and destructive forces or life energy force, and have very limited knowledge that they are a counter force or another way of saying people are a life force that immaculate hearts produce. That is the same energy of the sun shining on everyone and if this energy is not produced at necessary levels, destructive forces get the upper hand. There are consequences to actions taken by the universal karma law, and we are creating the last days described in the Bible ourselves due to the luck of knowledge and dark force manipulations that are prevailing due to the luck of knowledge. Our Creator, the Most High God and God of all the worlds gave us example "the Sodom and Gomorrah" when Abraham could not find 10 people with the immaculate hearts and the consequences. Learn more here Unite for Truth, Empower Each Other. To become the Immaculate Heart. Link is here WELCOME! https://for-enlightening-the-world.mn.co/share/S5L33mq_f5hj3pNv?utm_source=manual

WARNING TV - Jonathan Hansen Verified


To faithfully speak to the nations of the world, proclaiming the kingdom of God; giving warning to political and church leaders, the church, and society of the signs of the return of Jesus Christ. We are sounding the alarm for the nations to turn from sin and to draw near to Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to influence and transform the nations whereby enabling peace, blessings and prosperity to come to the people. We are endeavoring to meet emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual needs through the love of Jesus Christ.