Piano Adventures Plus


Instructional videos for the Faber Piano Adventures method and more! Enjoyed this lesson? Stay connected and join our community! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more updates, tips, and exclusive content. Your support means the world, and we’d love to have you with us on every platform! 📘 https://www.facebook.com/MusicandMeAcademy2024 📸Music and Me Academy/musicandmeacademy2024/ Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more Piano Adventures!



My 94 year old Mother -In-Law was in assisted living during COVID. and unfortunately died while being on lock-down. In reality she was locked up, a prisoner in her room. No outside contacts for six months, meals alone and no social contacts with other "inmates". Effectively solitary confinement. She always enjoyed my player piano and loved to sing along with us. I want to bring this joy to others who might be a "captive" audience . I thought about putting the piano in my pick up truck and going around to facilities and playing but decided that this would cause damage to my antique player piano. So I came up with the idea to have a video channel. I hope this will be enjoyed by Nursing Home and Assisted Living residents and Day Care and Nursery School children as well as families singing together. If you care to give a gift of any amount to support my work you can give it at: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=2C5L5PNBHT7WU