Greg Judy Regenerative Rancher
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Regenerative Ranching topics
Former Florida Attorney General takes questions from Senators during a confirmation hearing on Janaury 15, 2025. The Democrats were exceptionally rude and feared she might do to them that they did to Donald J. Trump and his supporters: bankrupt and/or imprison them.
Secret Mineral
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, our inalienable rights, are in danger of being taken from us. The Specter of Communism is alive and well; we are starting to see that it affect our freedoms as Americans and as world citizens.
Welcome to the Generation Crypto Rumble Channel! As a cryptocurrency enthusiast, I like to analyze and explain cryptocurrencies and their uses and functions. I also will occasionally go over other financial investments and tools such as stocks, insurance, and apps that can help facilitate financial growth and literacy.
Miracle Mineral Solution - Θαυματουργό Ορυκτό Διάλυμα.
'Generation Rogue' features fiery commentary from Kate Hildreth. Hildreth's coverage of pop culture and current events has been dubbed "rogue" across social media platforms. Hildreth unapologetically disrupts mainstream mainstream ideologies with grounded, conservative principles. Is the tide starting to turn for Generation Z?
Pastor Greg Interviews and discusses the issues of today through a biblical constitutional worldview. America was founded as a Christian Nation and Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness come from God. What God has given man can not steal away. In order to defend these rights government was instituted. Not to take them away but to defend rights, given by God.
Charlie Outback discusses how the left wing radicals slowly took control of the media, Hollywood, Academia, Silicone Valley, and maybe they rigged a Presidential election because they could. He will cover everything from pop culture to politics as he exposes the mainstream media. Sometimes raw and uncensored when they expose the mediocrity of the media. The mainstream media have turned the American Constitution into the American Prostitution.
Federico Boccanera y Aura Palermo son dos investigadores libres e independientes que se dedican a la investigación y estudio del poder y sus ecosistemas. Los niveles visibles siempre son niveles intermedios. Por ejemplo, el poder político. \n\nEste canal está dedicado a la divulgación de conocimiento y conciencia acerca del Poder, sus sistemas, estructuras, sus actores siempre temporales, y sus agendas de dominación: la agenda globalista y la agenda del comunismo versátil, dirigida por China.\n\nEn este canal encontrarán información orientadora sobre todos los temas necesarios para entender como obra el poder a toda escala, individual y social, material y espiritual. Incluso temas de actualidad, pero siempre enfocados hacia el objetivo de crear conocimiento y conciencia sobre situaciones que solo son expresiones locales de un gran laboratorio global.
This Channel is following General Michael Flynn Interviews News an Analysis FOLLOW MORE MY WORK DISCLAIMER I am NOT General Flynn So if any videos violation Please tell me an I will delete immediately This is purely to study world affairs... thanks
This Channel is following General Michael Flynn Interviews an Analysis DISCLAIMER I am not Gen. Michael Flynn I am following for understanding current world affairs Only. Fair use act permit study an work. Rumble or anyone else has any issues I would immediately delete the offensive content just let me know thanks
Ericka Redic is the owner of the controversial Generally Irritable with Ericka Redic. This is a political channel bringing you up to date information from Burlington, VT and also the world. Light hearted and serious at the same time, Ericka is a local political figure trying to add a little humor and reason to the unreasonable political landscape. If you want to support us and all our efforts to bring you fun and conservative content, you can do that here!
General Discharge is devoted to sharing the best military, law enforcement, and government information out there in a straightforward and entertaining manner. Our voices and faces are disguised so we can bring you information on just about anything without being detected.
Welcome to Ask The Funeral Director - Live On Air Wednesdays at 9pm cst. We feature a variety of topics and hope you join us.
Christian Testimonials, Bible Scriptures, Commentary, Prophetic Voice. Preparing the Body of Christ, The Bride of Christ for the 2nd coming of Jesus. Edification, Preparation and Christian Fellowship. 2nd Generation Christian Television 📺 No weapon formed against me or this Channel shall prosper. I apply the Blood of Jesus to this Channel and every video posted on this Channel in Jesus name. Amen. Any weopon of attack directed toward me and my houshold shall not prosper. Fire of God fall on every enemy that attacks this ministry and let the fear of God fall on them. Fire of God fall on every unholy alter and burn it up in Jesus name. Amen.
A Collection of Documentaries covering a variety of subjects from Politics to Travel
Do you love Games? Do you want to learn how to master your favorite games? This is the channel for you! We we'll explore the best tips, strategies, and techniques for becoming a pro gamer. From beginner to expert, we've got you covered. Subscribe now and let's level up together!
Regenerati Neurologia - Dr. Willian Rezende
Raccolta video informativi e di sensibilizzazione culturale profonda.\nTrasparenza anti-censura.\nScienza vera anti-scientismo mercantilista.\nSocratismo antisofistico.\nDiffusione della verità e della giustizia.\\nCANALE TELEGRAM
Nella mitologia sumera il termine Anunnaki (o Anunnaku), ossia "figli di An", indica l\'insieme degli dèi sumeri. Essi erano costituiti in un\'assemblea, presieduta da An, dio del cielo. Tale assemblea si componeva dei sette supremi, di cui facevano parte i quattro principali dei creatori (An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag), con l\'aggiunta di Inanna, Utu e Sin e di 50 dei minori, detti anche Igigi.Secondo Zecharia Sitchin gli Annunaki sarebbero degli alieni provenienti da Nibiru, un pianeta del nostro sistema solare. Secondo questa tesi avrebbero avuto un ruolo importante nella veloce evoluzione della civiltà umana e in particolare di quella sumerica. I signori di Nibiru, sin dall\'antichità, sarebbero scesi sulla Terra per sfruttare le risorse minerarie del nostro pianeta. All\'inizio furono inviate delle sonde automatiche per verificare l\'abitabilità del nostro mondo. Quando il pianeta Nibiru giunse nel punto della sua orbita più vicino alla Terra fu inviata una prima spedizione umana capeggiata da Enlil, un nome che ricorre spesso nella mitologia dei Sumeri. I luoghi scelti furono la Valle del Nilo, la Valle dell\'Indo e la Mesopotamia
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