The Real Ascended Masters Teachings


Spiritualism Australia Limited, is a not-for-Profit Public Charity dedicated to educating mankind about the reality of the survival of mind and consciousness beyond the death of the brain. We provide the ancient Teachings of Higher Spiritualism which came from the Elders of our Race, the Immortals through the most scientifically tested proven and documented physical phenomena Medium of all time; Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart (1936 -1999). Join our Spiritual Family in the Teaching Halls of higher Spiritualism.



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Reality Exposed: Unmasking Global Deceit


Join Francine and Gina as they delve deep into the hidden truths of our world in "Reality Exposed: Unmasking Global Deceit." With a fearless approach to unveiling what's been concealed from the public eye, this dynamic duo deciphers the intricate web of misinformation and propaganda. From clandestine operations to media manipulations, Francine and Gina are on a mission to bring clarity amidst the chaos. Listen in each week as they dissect prevailing narratives, provide expert interviews, and expose the reality behind the smoke and mirrors. Equip yourself with knowledge, challenge your perspectives, and awaken to the world's untold stories. Don't just accept the surface - dive into "Reality Exposed" and discover what lies beneath.

The Unseen Realities: Cops & Criminals Caught on Body Cam & camera


Cops & Criminals Caught on Body Cam & Camera Welcome to our comprehensive hub for the most gripping and eye-opening footage of law enforcement in action. Here, we bring you a wide array of real-life encounters captured through body cams and other cameras, showcasing the intense, often unpredictable, world of police work. Explore the Realities of Policing: • Dramatic Arrests: Watch officers as they apprehend suspects, navigating high-stakes situations with precision and bravery. • Chases and Pursuits: Experience the adrenaline-fueled moments of foot and vehicle chases, bringing you to the edge of your seat. • Routine Stops Turned Intense: See how routine traffic stops can escalate into unexpected and dangerous confrontations. Insight into Law Enforcement Procedures: • Training in Action: Observe the practical application of police training in various scenarios, from de-escalation techniques to tactical maneuvers. • Community Policing: Witness officers engaging with their communities, building trust, and addressing concerns on the ground. Accountability and Transparency: • Ensuring Integrity: Body cam footage plays a crucial role in maintaining transparency and accountability within law enforcement, providing an unfiltered look at interactions between cops and civilians. • Spotlight on Ethics: Delve into cases where body cam evidence has been pivotal in investigations of misconduct, ensuring justice and ethical standards are upheld. Criminal Activities Uncovered: • Caught in the Act: Watch as cameras capture criminals in the midst of their activities, offering a raw and unedited view of crime and its immediate aftermath. • Interrogations and Confessions: Gain insight into the investigative process through footage of interrogations and suspect confessions, revealing the complexities of uncovering the truth. Join us as we delve into these captivating and often intense moments, shedding light on the bravery of law enforcement and the reality of crime through the unblinking lens of body cams and cameras.

Fortnite Battle Royale


O QUE É FORTNITE? GUIA DO INICIANTE 02.09.2020 Por Equipe Fortnite Fortnite é um mundo de muitas experiências. Entre na Ilha para competir para ser o último jogador, ou equipe, sobrevivente. Entre com amigos para assistir a uma apresentação ou a um filme. Crie um mundo só seu com as suas próprias regras. Ou Salve o Mundo ao enfrentar hordas de monstros em equipe. MODOS DE JOGO DO FORTNITE Existem quatro modos principais no Fortnite, cada um oferece uma experiência diferente ao jogador. Os 4 modos são: Battle Royale, Festa Royale, Modo Criativo e Salve o Mundo. BATTLE ROYALE Disponível em consoles, PC e dispositivos móveis, o Battle Royale do Fortnite é grátis para baixar e para jogar! Salte do Ônibus de Batalha e pouse na Ilha para entrar na batalha para ser o último sobrevivente. Ou forme equipe com amigos ou com outros jogadores para durar mais que as outras equipes. Use o poder da madeira, da pedra e do metal para construir estruturas que vão auxiliar você em batalha. Estamos sempre adicionando alguma novidade ao Battle Royale do Fortnite, incluindo novos itens, armas, veículos, submodos, eventos especiais e "Temporadas". Cada nova Temporada modifica a Ilha com um tema diferente, como a dominação dos agentes secretos e o grande dilúvio.