VanWhiskey Alpha Citizen (1099s)


VanWhiskey is the Operations Leader for the Freelancer division of the Alpha Citizen Escort Service (The 1099's). I stream live gameplay in Star Citizen as well as post occasional edited videos. My play style is diverse, actively participating in Bounty Hunting of both players and NPCs, bunker missions, delivery, trading, and anti-piracy actions. I typically run with my org mates but run solo sometimes. My org practices tight comms during some events and informal comms often. We always try to help new players when we can. If you are looking for an org to run with, check us out. If you don't have a Star Citizen account yet, create one using my referral code: STAR-SMKD-5KFK This code will give you an extra 5000 aUEC (starting cash), and if applicable, any current promotional offerings in the referral program. Check out for details. If you are interested in joining the org, check us out here: I also post on YouTube occasionally at and

Star Citizen Game


I'm streaming Star Citizen , I mostly play without commentary, but you can ask me questions, I'll be happy to answer you all. Hello and thank you for visiting and watching my channel, if you want to enter the game, use my SC code when registering, which will add 5000aUEC of game currency, see the link below. , and as a bonus to everyone who registers and subsequently purchases the #StarCitizen game package, I will donate another 50,000 aUEC to their account! Star Citizen isn't out yet, but it's still being played by thousands of people around the world. It is still in development and we are early access testers. It can be you too!

Alliance For Responsible Citizenship - Fan Club


Unofficial fan club of the pro-human ARC forum & movement. Founded by Jordan B. Peterson with Philippa Stroud, ARC is an antidote to the psychopathic, anti-humanist, malthusian WEF. On this channel, we share content from the inaugural 2023 conference in London, and other related content from guests and contributors. ARC is an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute and flourish.

Just A Concerned Citizen


Think of this channel first and foremost as a platform to rebel against the global elites whos policies have managed to infiltrate most of the free world. I strongly believe their goal to strip us all of our God given fundamental rights that have been around since The Magna Carta. The threat to this constitutional republic has never been greater than right now! Powerful forces continue to try to undermine our sovereignty as a nation, and usher in a one world government to rule the world. These globalists would gladly let the world burn if they could rule the ashes. We need to stop rationalizing what are world leaders are doing, stop giving them the benefit of the doubt! Silence is no longer an option, We The People need to speak up. We need to stop complying and start rebelling. On this channel video uploads and livestreams will be discussing a wide range of topics. Subjects include the US economy, stock market, commodities, macroeconomics and geo-politics. But will also discuss the importance of freedom of speech, the second amendment, removing money from politics, crushing the mainstream medias strangle hold on the narrative, searching for truth based of facts, and restoring law and order. We are currently in my opinion in Americas Fourth Turning a crisis period, and things may look bleak right now, but I have hope in humanity that there is a brighter day coming. There are more of us then them, and in a fight of Good vs. Evil I believe ultimately we will prevail. WE are here to BREAK THE WHEEL! MOLON LABE!