Gary Ma Wing Chun


Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. I’m a Wing Chun instructor based in Montreal, Quebec. I created this channel for it to serve as a visual notebook for my students, and whoever may find it useful. So, if you'd like more of my deep dives into the art and system of Wing Chun, consider subscribing. Born into Wing Chun to a 2nd generation student of the Ip Man lineage, I started learning Siu Lim Tau as soon as I learned to walk. Fast forward to 2012, inspired by a few eager individuals, I began teaching my own group of students the art and system of Wing Chun in Montreal; continuing the legacy that my father started in this city back in 1978. As a martial artist, I am a traditionalist at heart. But, one who understands that adaptation is key to survival. So, you won’t find your regular run-of-the-mill Wing Chun presented here. Instead, you’ll find Wing Chun’s time-tested concepts presented along side what I believe to be its necessary evolution. Welcome to Gary Ma Wing Chun.

Historias y Misterios


✔ Historias y Misterios es un canal de vídeos, dedicado para todo el que les gusta las historias extrañas y casos insólitos que suceden en todo el mundo . ✔ Historias de terror, para los que le gustan los temas escalofriantes que te dejarán con los pelos rizos. ✔ Contamos Historias y recreamos las leyendas y anécdotas que nos envían, por que ustedes son los protagonistas. ✔ Encontrarás los mas extraños casos referente a los Ovnis Extraterrestres, Sirenas, Duendes, Entretenimiento tecnología, Ciencias, Misterios, conspiraciones, Historias de Terror, y otros casos. ✔ Desde Rep Dom Para el mundo.

The Nomad Economist


Meet the biohackers, brewers, bitcoiners, makers, growers, freaks, and visionaries exploring new ways of living in an increasingly individualistic world. Watch investigative stories about the bureaucrats and busybodies fighting for control over our lives. Hear independent opinions that don’t abide by tiresome left-right, liberal-conservative world views and talking points. Welcome to Reason TV, where you’ll find original reporting, documentaries, celebrity interviews, viral sketches, and policy discussions—all from a libertarian perspective.

Organic Chemistry I & II


A set of videos which cover organic chemistry topics for the full year course in US universities. Topics involved basic alkanes & bonding, nomenclature, stereochemistry, alcohol and alkyl halides, alkene formation and reaction, alkyne formation and reaction, diene an allylic systems, benzenes and electrophilic aromatic substitution and nucleophilic substitution, organometallic reactions, spectroscopy, ethers, thiols, carbonyls from ketones to acids to acid derivatives, enolates, and amines.



Consistent, Patient, Experienced, Thoughtful, and Loyal! This channel will focus on Real Estate, Personal Finance, and Entrepreneurship! The McClone brothers is a full-service Real Estate group serving sellers, buyers, and investors. We just don't focus on Southern California markets. We have a global reach,. We have fixed & flipped 128 properties since 2003 and we run and expanded a global real estate rental business consisting of single-family & multi-unit buildings. I invite you to subscribe to my channel and hit the bell to be notified when I post new videos! I post new videos on a consistent basis now. We are using it to bring awareness and use proceeds from the channel to tackle the homeless issue starting in Los Angeles and expanding across the US market! I have investor backing and working on expanding my reach of additional investors. We are not just going to throw money at the issue! I am going to take a proactive approach and a team is going to be put in place!



MITA is a network of industry professionals and businesses committed, dedicated, and striving for the continued evolution of the industry through education, transparency, inclusivity, and the development of thoughtful free-market-oriented regulations throughout the United States. Displaying the MITA medallion on your packaging, website, or brick and mortar store of your brand, demonstrates your company’s commitment to advancing industry practices in the best interests of the consumers and patients. Shows a commitment to only supporting regulations advancing the free flow of medicine to the patients of an emerging cannabis industry. MITA is a network of cannabis industry professionals and businesses focused on developing an inclusive and accessible industry.