Paranormal Videos You may have Missed


Hello. This channel was created for posting old, rare paranormal-themed movies, TV, and home video programs which, in all likelihood, would never again be seen otherwise, to anyone interested, and for archival/nostalgic/preservation purposes. No copyright infringement intended. Feel free to contact the channel directly with any copyright issues, that we might come to an understanding/resolution. Be assured, I do not profit from any of the videos posted here. Comments, questions, suggestions, etc., are welcome; will not hesitate to delete any inappropriate, crass, or disparaging comments, so behave yourselves. Audio-visual anomalies and/or limitations may be evident in some of these videos. Bear in mind: there was no way of knowing that the tapes would survive long enough for their contents to be posted on YouTube someday. Thanks for visiting the channel, and happy viewing!

AlfaCast Connect


O AlfaCast Connect é um podcast semanal que traz curiosidades e muitas informações sobre o mundo dos negócios nos mais diferentes nichos, apresentado por Daniel DeLucca sempre numa pegada divertida e bem descontraída. Sempre trazendo muitas informações, o AlfaCast Connect se apresenta um programa que fala de negócios, porém, bem eclético dando a todos de todos os nichos. O programa AlfaCast Connect pertence a Doisde Soluções Digitais. ----------------------------------------- Doisde Soluções Digitais 43.001.985/0001- 82 Nova Iguaçu/RJ