wmx games - canal de filmes e trailers baseados em jogos.


Salve galera.. sou a wmx games. este Este canal é sobre filmes e trailers baseados em jogos. Às vezes bons vídeos, às vezes engraçados, às vezes super emocionantes, mas definitivamente vale a pena. Então cola aqui, se inscreva ativa o sininho para não perder o conteúdo do canal! Abraço de WMX GAMES. APRECIADO? Por favor, inscreva-se Curta os vídeos e compartilhe o canal. Ajude nosso canal. se você quiser solicitar um vídeo, comente nos meus vídeos

The Free Speech Forum


Welcome to The Free Speech Forum YouTube channel! This channel is used to provide videos, podcasts, and live streams pertaining to the The Free Speech Forum and its users. The forum invites you to visit the site and see first hand what we are all about. The forum is growing every day and has a current user base of more than 2600 members. Please leave a comment and hit subscribe to ensure you don't miss any future content. TheFreeSpeechForum.com Facebook: TheFreeSpeechForum Instagram: The Free Speech Forum Twitter: TheFSF_ Twitch: TheFreeSpeechForum Donate at: https://thefreespeechforum.com/forum/index.php?donate/

freedomofspeech1111 Ernesto Olguin


Freedomofspeech1111 Ernesto Olguin freedomofspeech1111@protonmail.com https://rumble.com/v2i77ae-revolutionary-music-to-wake-the-sleeping-masses-out-of-their-coma..html https://www.brighteon.com/channels/freedomofspeech1111/videos?page=1 www.bitchute.com/channel/LiM2i8XZNWBb/ Freedom of speech is more important than people believe because if freedom of speech is destroyed so will freedom. An official who upholds petty rules even at the expense of humanity or common sense is not living just existing. You can live life or you can let life live you, it's your choice. Do you want suppression and control, or infinite freedom? You have the power to choose. WAKE UP. No society that allows homelessness to exist can call itself civilised. WAKE UP. A human being who is not willing to risk or take chances for love is a person who is absolutely empty inside. What I mean by that is infinite love. Love, compassion, empathy. WAKE UP. Some people are so poor all they have is money. WAKE UP. I'd rather be hated for who I really am than who I pretend to be, or liked. Be careful who you pretend to be, you might forget who you really are. WAKE UP. Let information be your guide not preconceived ideas. WAKE UP. The antidote to being driven apart is coming together. Political correctness - the new fascism - put people in fear of saying the wrong thing, destroying freedom of speech. Political correctness - you silence each other so we don't have to. WAKE UP! The majority of the sheep people are still asleep. How do I network and physically meet up with like minded people in Australia. It's so frustrating I'm out every day handing business cards making videos trying to be creative and arguing with government officials. If anyone can point me in the right direction Australia Queensland Brisbane. Where do we meet and do mass non compliance meetings?