RamblerDoesLetsPlays Verified


Veteran to Youtube, noob to Rumble. This channel exists as a backup source for episodes Youtube might find too spicy & as another means to increase my reach in the long-run. Watch this wordy idiot stumble his way through games both old & new, occassionally talking confidently straight through his asshole as he corrects himself in-post, when he isn't flexing his serviceable thespian muscles for at least some semblence of immersion. So, if you have time to kill: grab a drink, increase the video's speed pre-emptively, and set your expectations accordingly. This is Rambler's Let's Play Channel: So Let's Start Playin' Some Mudda'Fuckin' Games. Videos 'til further notice will be of questionable quality, those who can tolerate this while I get my 'affairs' or whatever in order are espeically welcome ^_^