

The Fall of the Cabal - The Sequel. Exposing the Secret Global Cabal, Illuminati, New World Order, global corruption, corrupt government, genocide, depopulation, satanism, censorship, fake news, tyranny. ========================================== 'The Fall Of The Cabal' is a 10-part documentary series made by award-winning author and researcher Janet Ossebaard, that exposes the small group of people who run the world through their excessive wealth and power. The 'Sequel' to that documentary comprises 28 parts, and provides even more information about the cabal and their plans for the extermination of the human race. 'The Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal' is a third documentary series, created by Cyntha Koeter, continuing where the previous "sequel' series left off, to expose "the identity of the cabal".



This channel is all about fox trapping, coyote trapping, raccoon trapping, beaver trapping, mink trapping and muskrat trapping. Essentially this channel is all about trapping and the great outdoors. I will be making trapping lures and doing tests on them with trail camera's. Also will be some how to's and showing you how I like to set up on location and make my sets. We may also get the occasional trout fishing video in there as well or salt water fishing expedition when on vacation. This will be a great channel for the veteran outdoorsman and also the beginner. Subscribe Today so you don't miss out on any new footage. It's FREE. Please feel free to email me with any questions we can never have to much advice to outsmart the animals in mother natures home. Please also remember onthis channel we respect all wildlife as any avid outdoorsman does.

Trappers SNORR Verified


Northeast Trapper Dan takes viewers out on his trapline adventures and interviews trappers on everything wild fur harvesting related. SNORR stands for Sustainable, Natural, Organic, Renewable, Resource. Dan promotes ethical trapping, wildlife conservation, trapping education for youth and public at large. Watch for a special Series called FUR SHEDucation, where Dan visits experienced fur trappers Sheds to talk about everything trapping and fur handling related.

By Michael Knapp Leather


\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Strap a Watch\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' is all about promoting enthusiasm for mechanical wristwatches and leather straps with hope that more and more people, especially younger people, start wearing and appreciating these watches again. The sad reality is fewer people today are wearing watches, let alone mechanical watches. The channel is for people curious about watches, watch enthusiasts, leather crafters, those interested in fashion, design, style, travel and other cool stuff, or anyone who simply likes to watch great online content in an entertaining and informative way.