My Kettlebell Fitness Journey

1 Follower

Here\\\\\\\'s my journey working out with kettlebells. I sit at a computer all day long and then, when I\\\\\\\'m done, sit on the couch in front of my TV and laptop all evening until I go to bed. I seriously sit ALL DAY and don\\\\\\\'t do a lick of exercise.\\n\\nSo I decided to get in shape because I want to see my kids graduate from high school. Also, I\\\'m tired of being tired all the time and of all the body aches and pains. I hope those go away once I\\\'m stronger.\\n\\nSo I\\\'m documenting my journey. Mainly for me, so when I get discouraged in the future I can look back and see how much I\\\'ve progressed. How much stronger I\\\'ve gotten. How much weight I\\\'ve lost. How I can work out longer.\\n\\nI missed Day 1 because I honestly didn\\\'t think about doing this until I was done, so the videos will start at Day 2.\\n\\nIf other people can be encouraged by my journey, so much the better.

Érika Gamer

1 Follower

And there guys, okay? Welcome everyone to my channel Girl Gamer😊😍 My name Érika, I love playing video games, we can say that since forever, my first video game was Dynavision 4 😁 to 4 years old rsrs and so play is part of my life. 😍🎮 Here you will find gameplays from various games, series of unusual games like The Last of Us, tutorials, free and cool playstation store game tips and also vlogs from my collection of games and other things. Among my favorite games are God of War, Far Cry, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Uncharted, Bully, Tomb Raider, Spider Man, Assassin's Creed and more!!! I love action-adventure and shooting games, love to play!!! 💥SOCIAL NETWORKS 💥 🎮 My PSN ID: erikadeus 📸 Instagram: @erikagamer_yt ----------------------------------------------------- E ai galera, beleza? Sejam todos bem-vindos ao meu canal de Garota Gamer😊😍 Meu nome Érika, adoro jogar videogame, podemos dizer que desde sempre, meu primeiro videogame foi Dynavision 4 😁 aos 4 anos de idade rsrs e assim jogar faz parte da minha vida. 😍🎮 Aqui vocês vão encontrar Gameplays de vários jogos, séries de jogos insanos como The Last of Us, tutoriais, dicas de jogos grátis e legais da Playstation Store e também vlogs da minha coleção de jogos e outras coisas mais. Entre meus jogos favoritos estão, God of War, Far Cry, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Uncharted, Bully , Tomb Raider , Spider Man, Assassin's Creed e muito mais!!! Adoro jogos de ação- aventura e de tiro, amo jogar!!! 💥REDES SOCIAIS 💥 🎮 Meu ID na PSN: erikadeus 📸 Instagram: @erikagamer_yt