Keeping it Simple With Plant Based Foods


Hi, I'm Blaze and this channel focuses on living a premium healthy lifestyle through learning about natural foods and how they affect our everyday life. Discover how to nourish your body with plant-based nutrition. By keeping it simple find out how to incorporate these easy habits into your daily routine, you'll unlock your potential to become your best self. How am I certain? Because it worked wonders for me. I transformed from being extremely unhealthy to achieving peak fitness using the strategies I share. If you're tired of your old self and ready to create your best life, reach out via the link for 1-on-1 coaching.

All Information Regarding GST, Income Tax, Book Keeping & All Financial Matters.


This Channel Purpose:- To ensure a comprehensive education in accounting for new commerce professionals, you can consider covering the following topics: Basics of Accounting: Financial Statements: Bookkeeping and Recording Transactions: Understanding debits and credits and their impact on different accounts. Recording transactions in journals and general ledger accounts. Account Reconciliation: Reconciling bank statements with cash records. Introduction to financial analysis techniques. Calculating and interpreting financial ratios such as liquidity, profitability, and solvency ratios. Taxation Basics: Software and Technology: Introduction to accounting software and their features. Demonstrating how to use accounting software to streamline book keeping processes. Keep Support Channel & Subscribe. ~~~~~~~~🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏~~~~~~~~~ Any query:-