Royalty Free Music


🎵 Stock Music and Royalty Free Background Music For Videos. If you are a YouTuber or a video creator, SZAudio is the perfect place to start your journey to creating quality and awesome content. We are constantly adding new music to our catalog. Become my PREMIUM Patron! You will be able to download over 50 tracks (all music), unlimited use, commercial use. More info in my profile. Do you have any questions? Write here:

Royalty Free Music - No Copyright Music


Royalty Free Music, No Copyright Music. Background audio library for videos with non copyrighted music without limits for content creators, filmmakers and montage editors. It’s like YouTube audio library music with free download music for videos. We collect and publish copyright free music which can use in videos and monetize it on YT and Other platforms. Our music library consist of a non copyright music from a different sources. Often people search free copyright music or music without copyrights for their video creations. It\'s a right choice! All the best background music for your videos in one place!

Royal Desi Food


Delicious food from all around the world you’ll want to make at home . Disclaimer : These contents or videos are only intended for informational purpose.Any information associated with these videos should not be considered as a substitute for prescription suggested by beauty, diet and health care professionals.Viewers are subjected to use these information on their own risk.This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for any harm, side-effects, illness or any health or skin care problems caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this. NOTE : We own the complete copyrights for the videos/Photos. Don't use our video or photo without permission. Subscribe to :

Dualistic Unity w/ Andrew & Ray


Mind-bending conversations about existence, the experience of awareness, and reality itself. We look beyond philosophy, spirituality, belief, and even modern science to the questions we all ask and the answers we almost never expect. Join us as we regularly explore the recognition of unity, the illusion of duality, and how to create sustainable change in the process. It’s life changing. It is recommended that first time listeners start with Episode 1 as many of the concepts discussed throughout the following seasons are introduced and explained therein. (Fans of non-Duality or ”nondualism” will benefit especially)

Berney Flowers, "The Loyal Opposition Podcast"


Berney Flowers presents - The Loyal Opposition Podcast. In this podcast he will discuss opposition to America's current political path by offering his constructive, responsible, and constitutionally sound objections. Berney has a long history of service to this country. He is a retired military veteran who continued working for our country as a civil servant. When he retired from civil service, he stepped into politics, running for U.S. Congress. Now, he has new book out titled - "Black Values Matter", where he points out that blacks are among the most conservative ethnic groups in America and it is his attempt to get Black voters to understand that in the end, BLACK VALUES are AMERICAN VALUES and that BLACK VALUES MATTER.



Welcome to Royal Amethyst Acres. Homesteading, gardening, vlogging, blogging, crafting and sewing my way through life We are a 3 acre homestead in a tiny town in Iowa, where I grow a very large garden in Zone 5. We raise chickens, domesticated animals, and of course, this homestead is ever-evolving and trying to grow to become more self reliant. A permaculture food forest is one of the many goals on this homestead. Trying out many types of gardening, farming and growing techniques to see what works best, and farm to market business in the plans, as well. Raising more chickens and other animals for meat and eggs, as well as some dairy sources, will ensure a much more self-reliant life. So many dreams and plans in the works for a more sustainable future. Follow the channel and our other social media to see how we\\\'re growing and securing our future on the homestead. Live from the Earth. Play in the dirt. Blessings