Julia Nonduality


This Channel is meant to offer practical tools and inspiration for people to live a healthy and meaningful life. We currently live in a time full of conflict, suffering, wars and segregation. It is time for our hearts to change and to recognize that we are all connected with each other, not separate. That if one person suffers it will affect all of us. If the planet suffers it will affect all of us. We need to take care of Mother Earth and all its beings... we are all sacred♥ The best way to start is to take good care of our own selves... through a healthy diet, exercise, and self study! Who are we really beneath the surface of passing things.. beyond the body that changes, the outer achievements... Is there something that does not change? That does not need Botox and lip fillers to be complete? In my videos I offer meditations for peace, calming the mind and releasing stress, simple tips on a healthy diet and discussions about love, peace and the true nature of our soul Enjoy♥

Julian Hartwell Music


Welcome to the official Julian Hartwell Music Rumble channel! I'm a pianist, composer, producer & songwriter here to #Heal #Uplift #Remind & #Inspire through Sound. I write & create music in many styles including jazz, neoclassical, cinematic, electronic, indie, meditation music & more, mostly from my home studio. My vocal & songwriter debut The Kryptonite EP is out everywhere as of 10/27/23!!! I hope you'll stick around and enjoy some of my content..and please consider smashing that like button, dropping a comment, or subscribing to the channel if you like what you hear/dig what i do here! : ) . . Visit me for more at my official website www.julianhartwellmusic.com



I work as a psychotherapist & meditation teacher who is on a spiritual journey. If you are interested in the evolution of consciousness, your are welcome to join me in this mystical adventure to the heart of being. If you want to contact me, you can do this via my website: www.julian-polzin.de If you enjyo my work, please support the Tiantong Zen School on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ZenSchoolTiantong Or follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julian_polzin/