Trading Coach Oli


Hier bekommst du nicht nur wöchentliche Updates zu News und Weltwirtschaft, sondern lernst auch alles über Börse und wie du professioneller Trader wirst! Über Oliver Klemm: Oliver Klemm, besser bekannt als TRADING COACH OLI ist Trader mit Herz und Leidenschaft, und dies bereits seit 1982, also nunmehr 40 Jahre. In diesen vier Jahrzehnten hat er alle Höhen und Tiefen der Börsen erfolgreich überstanden. Während seines Traderlebens hat er bisher fast alles gehandelt, was an den Börsen handelbar ist: Futures, Optionen, Aktien, Renten, Währungen (Forex/Futures), Optionsscheine, Warenfutures. Seit 2014 ist er ebenfalls Trading Coach. Seine Ausbildung durften bereits über 600 Absolventen erfolgreich durchlaufen.

Wellness Impact | Type 2 Diabetes Coaching

42 Followers ✅ Helping people with Type 2 Diabetes achieve diabetes remission and avoid complications so they can live a healthier, happier and longer life. Welcome to Wellness Impact, a channel dedicated to helping people who are suffering from type 2 diabetes discover wellness and unlock the power of possibility for better health and life. We firmly believe in supporting people to maintain a healthy lifestyle, enhance physical activity, improve mental health, and nurture all areas of wellness, enabling them to live empowered and happy lives. At Wellness Impact, we understand that education is a vital aspect of personal growth and transformation. Therefore, our channel offers valuable content that equips people with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed choices and sustainable changes. Join us and embark on a transformative path toward optimal wellness. Together, let's explore the possibilities and discover the incredible impact that wellness can have on your life.



Mission: Create financial stability through crypto assets to empower the impoverished Why: I believe one of the greatest feelings in the world comes from helping others. Living in Cambodia has shown me that we all have limitless potential but where we grow up has a huge impact on whether or not we will be able to unlock that potential Goal: My goal with crypto is to create financial stability independent of the existing monetary system and use the crypto platform to help others who need it most. 10% of the world is considered living in poverty. The average monthly wage in Cambodia is less than 200$ a month, working 10-12 hour days 6 days a week I am exploring various organizations and opportunities to support the local people of Cambodia and will be updating you all as things develop

Internet Time Machine Verified


Welcome to InternetTimeMachine, where we delve into the digital archives to uncover the past, explore the present, and speculate on the future of our online world. Join us as we journey through digital history, rediscovering forgotten gems, exploring trends, and celebrating the evolution of the internet. From early websites and viral sensations to the latest innovations and cultural shifts, we're your guide to understanding how the web has shaped our lives and continues to shape our future. Subscribe and join our expedition through the virtual ages!

Brain Coach Tips


If you know the frustration of having a child, teen, or adult who can't follow directions, can't remember what they've heard or suffered from learning issues, the Brain Coach Tips videos are for you to investigate. Dr. Jan Bedell, Ph.D., M.ND. has over twenty years of experience in helping people resolve learning and memory issues through the NeuroDevelopmental Approach For Life methodologies. She has created brain training programs that have made memory and learning difficulties a part of your loved one's history, not their future. Brain Sprints, formerly Little Giant Steps, ( provides many free resources to help you understand through testing, and surveys that you'll get a review of the conditions by an educational-neurodevelopmental specialist. Also recommendations on the next wise step to pursue. Come, check out our site, learn, grow, and make your whole family's lives better.

The Oil Coach


Thanks for checking out my channel! My name is Melinda Reed and this channel is about the best TIPS, TRICKS, and IDEAS for using your essential oils as well as Motivation, Inspiration, and Life Tips. On this YouTube channel you will find regular videos on essential oil education as well as popular DIY tutorials, Life Tips and occasional Motivation and Inspiration topics. My passion is to help you learn how to actually USE your essential oils and implement the tips I share for a Happier, Healthier Life! Be sure to comment and say hello and let me know what kind of videos or DIY tutorials you'd like to see. Take Care and we'll talk soon! Melinda - TheOilCoach For more info contact me here:

Coach de Osasco


Um malandro que estudou... O esquema aqui é dar uns toques pra geral, jogando a real sem ficar tirando vocês com conversa fiada. Aqui o papo é reto para os manos e as minas "raiz", vamos mostrar para estes Coach Nutella Crossfiteiro da Faria Lima, com seus patinetes, jogando Beach tennis com seus copos Stanley e morando em Alphaville, como são os corres e as "ideia" na quebrada. Ninguém é melhor que ninguém. Se liga na sabedoria do coach: "Todo dia um malandro e um vacilão saem da goma pra fazer os seus corre, quando eles se trombam, dá fechamento." Quem você vai ser irmão? Não fica moscando! Se orienta doidão! #paz

Carnivore Coach Sylvia


Hi! Welcome to my channel and thank you for stopping by! My name is Sylvia and I live in NYC. I have always been super passionate about health through nutrition and lifestyle….and yet a few years ago I was diagnosed with autoimmunity, Rheumatoid Arthritis. I refused to take a conventional treatment, it stood against everything I believed about human health. I started looking for an alternative to disease management, and I found it: carnivore diet. It took a while to perfect it, but results were amazing: I reversed autoimmunity and much more! I was so blown away I started a blog, this channel, and recently became a Carnivore Coach. If you are looking for common sense strategies that work for health through diet, life style and nutrition, this is a channel for You! Carnivore Coach Sylvia

The De-escalation Coach


Why is De-escalation so important? No one wants to see an individual in our care escalate towards crisis. What’s needed is a plan and toolkit of de-escalation strategies to call upon when we recognise the individual is spiralling. These tools can help regulate the emotions driving the behaviours, reduce risk, and ensure they feel supported. An individual can show heightened levels of arousal and signs of anxiety. They may have their hands over ears, be hiding or withdrawing, rocking or tapping, or perhaps refusing to do what they have asked. Some individuals will have much more subtle signs that they are beginning to feel agitated. We can play detective to spot these signs and recognise patterns in their behaviour to better understand why they feel distressed and how we can best support them. Often these behaviours are “low level”, however, if we do not respond to them, they may develop into crisis.