Canal / O integrante

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O canal O integrante é um espaço criado para aqueles que buscam a verdade por trás dos segredos ocultos e das farsas do sistema. Neste canal, você encontrará informações valiosas que não são divulgadas pela mídia tradicional. Nosso objetivo é fornecer conhecimento e conscientização para que possamos desvendar o que realmente acontece nos bastidores da sociedade. Integre-se a nós e juntos vamos buscar a verdadeira história que está por trás dos acontecimentos atuais.

What different fixings could I at any point integrate into my reasonable ooze?

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"Welcome to DynamicRippleCreations! 🌟 Submerge yourself in a universe of boundless imagination and development. Go along with us on an astonishing excursion where we rejuvenate thoughts through workmanship, innovation, and creative mind. From hypnotizing fine arts to state of the art developments, we're here to rouse, engage, and flash your interest. Buy in now to remain tuned for a powerful rush of content that will leave you roused and flabbergasted!"

Integrated Sound Healing

1 Follower

I developed the KUYPER method, (named to honor my ancestors). This integrates sound healing , the power of intention with Family Constellation Work. The combination of these powerful healing methods allows for healing of ancestral patterns , a release of blocks physically, emotionally, spiritually so that a person can open to receive healing stated in the power of intention and beyond. All of this release is done gently and easily not requiring knowing or reliving the story behind the trauma and pain we carry. In addition, I teach my clients easy, fast methods that will allow them to continue to self heal. I am not the only one in the world that has limited time to sit for an hour doing Yoga etc. so the methods I teach are not time consuming but are powerful. Everyone has the ability to self heal and my goal is to facilitate others so they have the option to do that for themselves.

Evolution Integrative Medicine

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Welcome to the channel “Evolution Integrative Medicine”- Life in Balance. We're the company of Dr. Jessica and Dr. Jeremy Payne, Your Holistic Docs. Besides being holistic practitioners, nutritionists and chiropractors. The aim of the channel is supporting you in becoming balanced with simple changes and new habits that involve a personalized approach. We will create content that empowering and assisting you in gaining autonomy to find natural solutions that work for you to create a vibrant, healthy and happy life. This channel will act as a reservoir of information, inspiration and bringing awareness to a power within each of us that is greater than ourselves.

Canal Integral Del Dr Javier M Castañeda.

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El siguiente es el canal oficial en del Dr. Javier M Castañeda, médico cirujano quién desde su mirada analítica, crítica e integral, realizaré una actualización en salud y temas sanitarios (principalmente alimentación y salud, medicinas alternativas/complementarias/naturales, oncología, psiquiatría, psicología, psicoanálisis, neurociencias, salud mental, epidemiología, investigación, oncoinmunohematología) y otros temas para el cuidado y la restauración de la salud en forma integral; etc, pero sin restringirme solo a ellos, de tal manera que desde mi óptica crítica también trataré y adicionaré otros múltiples contenidos incluyendo temáticas como filosofía, política, teología, cosmología, artes, cinefilia y crítica, literatura, biología, ciencia, química, física, informática/computación, ajedrez, tecnología, economía y finanzas, cultura, sociología y muchos campos conceptuales más que son de mi completo interés; así que ¡BIENVENIDOS AL CANAL INTEGRAL OFICIAL EN RUMBLE DEL DR JAVIER M CASTAÑEDA!.

SuperYacht and Superhome AV consultants and integrators

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LifeStyle Technologies B.V. Superyacht and Super-home AV design consultants and integrators. Contact us for Hi-fi and Home Cinema sales and specification, AV Product tests, Hi-Fi reviews, Bio-Adaptive lighting systems, Smart Yachts and Smart homes. Worldwide 24/7 support , sales, and service. LifeStyle Technologies B.V. 
 Keizersgracht 391 A 1016 EJ AMSTERDAM The Netherlands CEDIA member, Official Crestron Dealer Subscribe to get our latest test videos and offers of High-end Hi-fi and Home Cinema product deals. If you enjoyed the video please let us know what you think should be the next speaker or amplifier test ?