The Hazard Gaming


Guys, Girls, Lads and Ladies.. Welcome to The Hazard Gaming. I go by Haz and I enjoy long walks on all the beaches. I mean.. who TF doesn't! But that's not why you are here. I play games of any genre but the ones I enjoy are: factory automation, ARPG, stratagy, souls like, open world, RPG, space simulation and sometimes a good FPS. PC Master Race Aficionado! My current rig is a $1,500 gaming laptop. My previous rig I built myself. Aside from a couple of sticks of ram, a GPU and PSU update at the 5 year mark, it lasted 13 years before it carked it. So.. this channel. I will be crafting videos on my impressions, reviews, playthroughs and occasionally some guides, of games old and new. I love returning to games after some more dev time. I'll be throwing in some good ole Aussie humour and slang, and not taking anything too serious. Water off a ducks back mate! And no shrimps on no barbies! Throw a good snag at it! Nah you're roight mate! SUBSCRIBE and you'll be right as rain mate!

The Deep Unheard


Welcome to The Deep Unheard, the ultimate destination for uncovering hidden secrets in audio recordings! Have you ever wondered if your favorite songs, movie dialogues, or famous speeches contain secret messages when played backwards? You're in the right place! Our channel meticulously reverses a wide range of audio clips to reveal potential hidden meanings, subliminal messages, and Easter eggs left by creators. Don’t miss out on the secrets waiting to be uncovered!

Hazárd megye lordjai (The Dukes of Hazzard) HD720p


Hazárd megyében semmi sem az, aminek látszik. Luke és Bo Duke, a két unokatestvér nagykanállal eszi a vidéki életet. A srácok, ha dönteniük kell, ritkán választják a törvényes megoldásokat, és mivel főfoglalkozásban az alkoholcsempészettel foglalkoznak, a helyi rendőrség járőreivel napi rendszerességgel meggyűlik a bajuk. Ám az álmos hétköznapokat (hideg sörök, nagy bunyók, gyors nők, és még gyorsabb autók) megzavarja egy felfedezés: a korrupt rendőrfőnök olyasmiben mesterkedik, ami gazdaggá tenné őt, és koldusszegénnyé mindenki mást a környéken. A srácok nem sokat vacakolnak. Tövig nyomják a gázpedált, felkészülnek az ökölharcra, és kiegyenesítenek pár kanyart. Ez életük legnagyobb bulija: Hazárd megye az ő kezükben van. A két unokatestvér Lee tábornok nevű autójukon száguldozva tartják szemmel a megye dolgait, s tesznek igazságot ott, ahol szükség van rájuk.

I Can't Believe What I'm Hearing


Video's from around the globe from non-mainstream journalists and others trying to get to the trueth. I take clips that blow my mind on many subjects and repost them for people who tend to listen to more mainstream narrative. I too want the trueth. As a child I was taught to look up to adults and respect them. Now that I am an adult myself I find it hard to believe that at that age, I had a better head on my shoulders than most adults. Its safe at this point in time to say that I have been given the privelage of managing NAFFA and if your not a member I encourage everyone to join us at building the road to trueth and salvation. Enjoy the video's and thank GOD for Rumble! Let's put an end to big money conglomerates

Welcome to the best bands channel you never heard of! Verified


-Introducing Vegan Vampires: A Southern-fried fusion of the wild, the wicked, and the wonderfully musical. Hailing from the heart of Dixie, this band is a paradoxical blend of vegans and vampires. -Unapologetically defying Stereo types and norms with their electrifying Southernish rock. -We're not just a band; we're a declaration of independence from mediocrity. “Cruising Thru Atlanta” details our appreciation of our country, our hometowns, and we throw in stories about the coolest mother@$%#’s we meet along the way - in this long soul journey of life.