Guardians Unleashed: Exposing the Shadows


Welcome to "Shatterlight: Eternal Guardians Against Darkness," the hard-hitting rumble channel that stands unwaveringly against the horrors of pedophiles and human traffickers. Brace yourself for an unrelenting pursuit of justice as we uncover the depths of depravity, expose the hidden networks, and shed light on the unspeakable atrocities inflicted upon innocent lives. With an unyielding commitment to protecting the vulnerable, "Shatterlight" will raise awareness, ignite collective action, and unmask the truth that will reverberate through the pillars of justice. As we confront the darkest corners of humanity, we stand firm in our belief that those responsible for these heinous crimes deserve nothing less than the harshest consequences. Join us in our mission to dismantle the shadows, bring the perpetrators to justice, and create a world where every child and trafficking victim can live free from fear and exploitation. Let your voice be heard as we rumble against the unforgivable, unravel the secrets, and empower change for the better. "Shatterlight: Eternal Guardians Against Darkness" - together, we can unleash a world free from the nightmare that plagues our society.

Guardian Safe & Lock


Guardian Safe & Lock is a Houston Area Locksmith and Security company located in Tomball, Texas. Specializing in residential, commercial, automotive, safes, security cameras, and access control solutions; We strive to be the best in the industry every day. Come watch some of our content to learn a little more about the world of locksmithing and private security. Visit our website or social media pages to see even more, or take a look at our website and give us a call if you need work done locally!

Sanatana Shaastra


आज सम्पूर्ण विश्व आधुनिकता की ओर अग्रसर है। और इस आधुनिकता का आधार पाश्चात्य एवं रेगिस्तानी संस्कृति एवं आचरण को माना जा रहा है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति स्वयं को इस विचारधारा में ढालने की होड़ में प्रयासरत है। और इस होड़ में हम अपनी संस्कृति, आचरण एवं धर्म को भुला बैठे हैं। स्थिति यहाँ तक पहुँच गयी है की सनातन संस्कृति के वंशज अपनी ही धरोहर, अपनी संस्कृति की अवमानना में गर्व का अनुभव करते हैं। जो व्यक्ति या समाज अपनी ही नींव खोदने लगे, उस व्यक्ति या समाज को पतन से कौन बचा सकता है ? यह मेरा प्रयास है की हम दोबारा अपने धर्म से जुड़ें, अपने ग्रंथों को समझें और उनमे व्यक्त जीवन विधान एवं मूल्यों का आचरण करें। हमें सनातनी होने पर गर्वान्वित होना चाहिए और वह तभी संभव है जब हम अपनी ज्ञान सम्पदा को जानेंगे। मेरी अपेक्षा है की जो सज्जन इन ग्रंथों को सुनें, वे अपने वंशजों को भी इस ओर प्रेरित करें। भारतवर्ष एक अकेली पुण्य भूमि है जहाँ हमारा अस्तित्व है और हमें हर मूल्य पर ये सुनिश्चित करना होगा कि हम अपने ज्ञान सागर को संजो कर रखने के साथ साथ इसका अनुपालन भी करें। Today the whole world is moving towards modernity. And the basis of this modernity is being considered to be western and desert culture and behavior. Everyone is trying to mold himself in this ideology. And in this race we have forgotten our culture, our conduct and our religion. The situation has reached to such an extent that the descendants of Sanatan culture take pride in contempt of their own heritage, their own culture. Who can save that person or society from downfall which starts digging its own foundation? It is my endeavor that we should reconnect with our religion, understand our scriptures and practice the life rules and values ​​expressed in them. We should be proud of being Sanatani and that is possible only when we know our wealth of knowledge. I hope that the gentlemen who listen to these texts should inspire their descendants also in this direction. Bharatvarsha is the only holy land where we exist and we have to ensure at all costs that we preserve our ocean of knowledge and follow it.

Alabama Bird Feeding Station Videos


This is a video of some of the highlights from the Alabama Bird and Critter Feeding Station cams. All species are identified in this video, which is helpful to know what bird or critter you are watching. This is also a video to highlight the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks that migrate through Alabama int he Fall. We didn\\\\\\\'t see them much on their migration trip north, so this has been a pleasant surprise. I expected to see them for a few days as they made their rest stop. Instead, they have been here for nearly 4 weeks! I have changed the food mix to add more black oil sunflower seed which they seem to really enjoy to see how long I can keep them here while we enjoy them. Ken\\\\\\\'s channel: Nature & Wildlife Film Journal ( hosts two 24/7 YouTube streaming feeders, a bird feeder cam consisting of 7 feeders ( and a garden cam ( consisting of two feeders. Additionally, on his channel, he has a series called Feeder Talk and another called Feeder Wars. He also features 5 Bird Identification videos to help viewers learn their birds as well as a printable PDF file with pictures and names that can be used as a reference when viewing his feeders. The channel also features some expert moderators to help answer any questions you may have about birds, bird feeding or bird behavior. Featured on the 24/7 streaming channel are Amazon links (complete with reviews) of the equipment Ken uses at the Alabama Bird Feeding Station. Purchases help Ken defray the cost of bring you the content as well as films he produces in the field. So, jump on in and see what the excitement is about and learn how to feed birds in your yard!