Dogs Show Love


Many, many people (if not most) know how a dog is feeling just by looking that them. Think about it. You can see a dog smile and know how they are feeling. You can hear the yap of excitement before you throw a toy or give a treat. Most people can know what dog is feeling or even what they’re thinking. Can you say the same for birds? Or even for cats? There seems to be a kind of unspoken relationship between humans and dogs. Many people even believe that dogs love their owners. Today, we look at the incredible relationship that forms between humans and dogs.

Generally, cats, dogs or other pet guardians, you are responsible for loving and nurturing them with kindness and care, including protection.


Generally, cats, dogs or other pet guardians, you are responsible for loving and nurturing them with kindness and care, including Prevention of pain, disease and injury Make your pet live by their natural behavior through play, rehearsal and interaction Provide adequate partnerships to meet the emotional and social needs / training of your pet, despite close and daily interactions with people A healthy diet is appropriate for the age and needs of your pet. E.g. Animal feed such as fish bones are dangerous for cats Appropriate environment e.g. Comfortable and safe shelter, suitable toilet (separate from eating and sleeping), toys and emotional stimulation