Welcome to “EduYoZo” Rumble channel. My purpose behind creating this channel was to help people learn about online earning in Pakistan.


Hello Friends, Welcome to “EduYoZo” Rumble channel. My purpose behind creating this channel was to help people learn about online earning in Pakistan. I teach in my videos that how people can make money online in Pakistan in real ways. I teach people how to make money online on Rumble and tell them about Rumble earning . I also teach them other online earning streams such as freelancing work in Pakistan. I create videos about how to make money online with freelancing.

Healthy Eats by HealthyMito.com


Ensuring you are eating a healthy, well rounded diet is essential to literally feeding your Mitochondria the nutrients necessary to ensure optimal function and ATP-energy production. Although whole, natural foods are the best way to get the nutrients you need, especially today, it is extremely difficult to get everything you need from food alone. Part of your “well rounded” approach to nutrition should encompass dietary nutrition, supplementation and appropriate hydration.

Hi everyone! Welcome to my channel. I've been sharing tips and tricks from personal experience as well as from other experts on how to successfully lose weight, get back into shape, learn how to change your eating habits and put yourself on the path of a


Hi! I'm Mituwel Dofu, and I make a lot of videos about health, fitness, nutrition, and weight loss. Most of my videos are super upbeat and friendly, but this one is going to be a little different. It's one of the hardest videos that I've ever made. It's kind of a big deal. In the past six years there have been two very hard times in my life where food has been the only thing that kept me going. I've gained over 100 pounds (and lost it!) using food as both a punishment and reward system. And in the process I gained an enormous amount of weight, wrecked my knees, damaged my wrists and injured pretty much every part of my body. This video is about that journey, why I did it and (probably most importantly) how I stopped doing it!