The New Age Whistleblower


Raising the big issues, and pointing out the mass mind control techniques that are being used on humanity to keep us from becoming our greatest version. I also cover the energetic and metaphysical manipulations going on which hold us back. I am passionate about helping others in their journey particularly with healing the inner child, motivational techniques, and anything that help people step into their power. My website for more information, blogs, vlogs, and services is You can also buy my recent book 'Are you Living or Just Existing' at the site too. For energy healing sessions or inner child work you can contact me directly at

The Nature of the Cage


You need to know that you are in cage before you can escape from that cage... On this channel we have put together some of the best videos we could find relating to dealing with the main form of oppression in the western world. If you are experience problems with debt, debt collectors, bailiffs or the Police then we have put together playlist showing people in the real world actually dealing with theses problems at a ground level. The playlists will be constantly updated and we welcome all suggestions. Knowledge is POWER and the route to happiness.

How To Beat The Canada Revenue Agency - Eliminate Income and Corporate Tax Verified


CANADA'S NUMBER ONE TAX EXPERT! STOP PAYING TAX IN CANADA NOW! Kevin J. Johnston has earned the reputation as Canada's foremost authority on INCOME TAX and CORPORATE INCOME TAX STRATEGIES. With over four decades of experience in defeating the Canada Revenue Agency and attacking government bodies that hurt the public, Kevin J. Johnston is the right choice to solve your Tax Problems. The Canada Revenue Agency HAVE NO AUTHORITY IN CANADA, and they commit crimes every day when they threaten Canadians. Kevin J. Johnston gets them to BACK OFF and get your taxes complete so that you OWE NOTHING! The LAW of the land states that you DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE THE CRA MONEY, you only have to fill out their forms, so come to Kevin J. Johnston and get them filled out the right way, and sit back, relax, and enjoy spending your money because you won't be giving it to the Canada Revenue Agency. Book your 1 Hour Consultation NOW to GET RID OF THE CRA!