Fitzwilliam on tour


With our less or more pronounced talents and our good opportunities, we can make the world a more beautiful place. Fitzwilliam on tour | F.O.T. Platform that deals with the evolution and emancipation of keyboard music in the 16th and 17th centuries with a focus on the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book (1560-1620), on early Iberian keyboard music, but also on G. Frescobaldi, D. Buxtehude, J. Pachelbel a.m.o. Fitzwilliam on tour forms an interface between different musical currents and projects. Institutionalization would be a nice goal.  F.o.t. is an opportunity to get to know works by well-known, little-known and anonymous composers.  After all, listening and playing - the extensive preoccupation with this beautiful music - is a lot of fun. Cordial invitation. Cuckoo Clock Media | F.o.t. production is the associated private, non-commercial label. Dr. Johannes B. Ring