Gospel Music Brazil


Olá, queridos amigos e irmãos! Sejam bem-vindos ao [Nome do Canal], um espaço dedicado à celebração da fé e da adoração através da música gospel. Aqui, acreditamos no poder transformador da música e em sua capacidade de unir pessoas em torno de uma mensagem de amor, esperança e salvação. Nosso canal traz uma variedade de conteúdos, incluindo: - *Canções Inspiradoras*: Clipes e letras de músicas que tocam o coração e alimentam a alma. - *Louvores ao Vivo*: Apresentações ao vivo que capturam a essência da adoração comunitária. - *Testemunhos de Vida*: Histórias de superação e fé que mostram como Deus age na vida das pessoas. - *Dicas e Reflexões*: Mensagens edificantes e sugestões de como a música pode ser uma ferramenta poderosa em nossa caminhada espiritual. Nosso objetivo é criar uma comunidade vibrante onde todos possam compartilhar suas experiências e crescer juntos na fé. Não se esqueça de se inscrever, ativar o sininho e acompanhar nossas atualizações. Junte-se a nós nesta jornada musical e espiritual! Que a paz e a alegria do Senhor estejam com todos vocês!

Gospel Feast Books


It's time to feast upon the Word of God. You've had enough milk, it's time for a little meat. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is as rich and rewarding as you make it. Let's feast together! This podcast leans on the research and scholarship of Old World Historian and Eastern Thinking expert Reed R. Simonsen and his book and lecture series, "The Gospel Feast." Listeners are encouraged to ask questions which are answered every 7th episode. Come and Feast on the Word! GospelFeastBooks.com

Gospel Music / Puppet Videos for kids


As a songwriter/singer, my most popular song is \'I Want Us To Be Together In Heaven\', which has been recorded my many groups in the U.S. and Canada. It has also been published in songbooks in the U.S., Canada, Haiti, and other countries. [Just email me for a free copy of the sheet music.] \'Carol Mc\'s Family Hour\' was my TV show, aired in the 1990\'s...the puppet videos are from that show. I have also written many books [most for children], which I will gladly email free copies to all who send an email request. God Bless! \'I Want Us To Be Together In Heaven\'!

Growing in the Gospel | Pastor Cary Schmidt


Growing in the Gospel — "What the Bible Means and Why It Matters" I'm just a growing follower of Jesus helping others to know and follow Jesus with joy and hope! Here's what you will find here: —Daily 10 Min. Devotions: Enough for Today daily scripture encouragement. —Bible Teaching: Look for bible teaching series 2-3 times weekly. —Understanding the Times Shorts: These are 2-3 minute biblical perspectives on cultural events. —Honest Answers Shorts: Biblical perspectives on tough questions. Feel free to send questions. I serve as the Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Newington, CT. My wife and best friend (Dana) have been blessed with three adult children and four grandchildren, and we have enjoyed thirty-three years of marriage and ministry together. My passion is to love God, love my family and church family, develop spiritual leaders, and point people to Jesus Christ—through leading, teaching, and writing. You can connect with me at the links below. Subscribe to This Channel— Growing in the Gospel Visit Emmanuel Baptist Church— https://ebcnewington.com Discover Books and Personal Blog— https://caryschmidt.com Resources for Pastors and Spiritual Leaders— https://inthegospel.com

The Book of Matthew


This study on the book of Matthew was started on June 30, 2024 and will be a thorough study of the first book of the Gospels. We will learn that in this book, the Lord is presented as Jehovah's King so the royal genealogy is presented from Abraham and David downward. Mark presents the Lord as Jehovah's servant, hence no genealogy is required. In Luke, the Lord is presented as Jehovah's man. Last, in John, the Lord is presented as Jehovah Himself, where no genealogy is required. This study will focus on showing how Jesus ministry from birth to His baptism in water. The threefold temptation in the wilderness to the time he began to preach the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. We will learn how His ministry changed to show how He would suffer, die and be resurrected. Their is evidence in the Greek manuscripts showing why this is the first Gospel. Follow along as each lesson will go into detail using right division to bring clarity to the student of scripture.

Commodore 64 and Amiga Demos


Demos from the Demoscene Modern meets Retro everyone can watch it now on 4k TV or Beamer and enjoy it. Demos from every platform.... soon ™ We record the demo until a part is done, waiting for great music or start from beginning. We want to respekt the work people invest into the demos, so you can read whole text, listen the whole sound and see the whole demo. For the rest we made chapters to skip :) What is written is the opinion of the authors and does not reflect our opinion, harsh words are often used in the old demos, those were completely different times. Before you want to trash your old gaming stuff contact me Now enjoy the music, effects, grapihcs and all The collection is presented as a preservation project under the same rules as of the original HVSC Collection's copyright notice