Corona & Vaccins


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W.U.L.D.: Incorporated


What is my business? My business is life and death: W.U.L.D. (Worthless, Useless, Lifeless, Dead) Incorporated™ ©2010-2022, brings together ol’ family values and treasures—of modern, American society—to, satiate and cherish, the mouth of the beast (χξϛ). 😉 Yes, I am well-aware of my obtuseness, obscurity, and obfuscated nature. I fulfill a niché, within a niché, within a niché, within a . . . and so on. If you are "OK" with that, then we can get along, just fine. I am an "alien", to the aliens. I am a "deviant", among deviants. I am a "misfit", around misfits, and so forth. Do you get the gist now? "Alright", regardless. "OK", indubitably. "Adiós", "welcome", whatever flips your boat. "Fuck your beliefs". "Fuck your traditions". "Fuck your world". "Fuck your truth". "Fuck everything", you think, you already know. Enter the void. Set aside your judgment for uncertainty. Be comfortable in trepidation, "secure" in fear, terrified, albeit still [ . . . ] Official contact: