Cool Again Restoration


Welcome to Cool Again Restoration! My name is David and I'm responsible for everything that happens around here. This channel is all about the things I do and how I do it . Mainly you will see here restoration videos because CONVERTING OLD RUSTY THINGS TO NEW THINGS ARE SO SATISFYING and I will also do some customization project which I hope you like it. FAQ: 1.Where I find the products that I restore? I walk often through the flea market but most of them are from Etsy or Ebay or some sellers from instagram. 2.What I do with them once they are restored? I will keep all of them and when this channel is successful I will offer them for sale and the money I receive will be donated to the needy. I'm still learning how to work with Youtube,so please help me out by subscribing and if you like my content tell me what you think in the comments section. ©COOL AGAIN RESTORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED© Thank you! Best regards!

Mike the Credit Guy Verified


About Limitless Culture and Mike Meza: Hi, I'm Mike. I established Limitless Culture with a singular objective, to improve creditworthiness and provide credit education for regular, everyday people with fun and engaging content, DIY products, and (for some because no everyone needs it) monthly credit repair services for people with specialty disputing needs. I want to empower working-class people and their families to be able to take control of their credit files the right way.