Canadian Freedom Fighters - Facts over Fear.


Here are some of the issues we work to educate the public on: - Constitutional and Charter of Rights and Freedoms violations perpetrated by our government and their agencies. - Health Canada mandates and over-reach. - Disinformation from our government and their agencies. - Emergencies Act being illegaly invoked. - Provincial/Municipal by-laws and policies that are unconstitutional. - Video documenting protests and assemblies. - Main stream media and the dis-information they report. God Bless Canada. Mandate Freedom.

Canadian Libertarian News


I simply got tired of the lies being dispensed by the Lame Stream Media. I can no longer sit back as the Government uses our tax dollars to fund its propaganda wing. I am tired of the partisan politics. The Left Wing and the Right Wing are on the Same Bird, and that bird is a Vulture. Canadians need a source and analysis of news and topical information that they can trust, who does not follow party lines. We need someone who simply refuses to lie; who will speak Truth to Power. Someone who actually stands for Liberty. If you want something done right, as they say, do it yourself. So, Here I stand! Deal with it.

Canadian Unity Project


Welcome to the Canadian Unity Project. Together we will strengthen the nation by teaching Canadian's to be self sufficient, not only in satisfying one's basic needs but also being emotionally and intellectually independent. The foundation of a strong nation its education. It is our mission to provide valuable lessons, information, ideas, and events that forge strong Canadian unity by empowering and strengthening individuals and their families. Some key topics included but not limited to: 1. Self-Sufficient Living 2. Financial Literacy 3. Community Spirit 4. Healthy Lifestyle 5. Canadian History & Politics Become a member of the Canadian Unity Project to gain access to our growing library of educational content, for exclusive events, and to support the mission of a free and thriving Canada. We encourage you to be part of the change you wish to see. We look forward to connecting with Canadian's and thank you for your support.

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