Defending Our Children


Veterans For Child Rescue's mission is to expose and eradicate the corrupt, underground criminal enterprise of child trafficking in the USA. By bringing awareness to the masses, more people can be empowered with knowledge and resources to safeguard children as well as identify and report child abuse and trafficking. This weekly radio show segues V4CR's hit documentary: CONTRALAND. V4CR founder, Craig "Sawman" Sawyer and Executive Director, Forrest Sealey invite special guests to discuss the various aspects of prevention, education, our justice system, politics and government, as well as what V4CR is doing to combat and end child trafficking. We are trending at 1.2 million streams monthly, and between 2 million to 4.5 million terrestrial listeners.

Lofi Chill


Herzlich willkommen auf dem YouTube-Kanal von Lofi Chill! Tauche ein in die entspannende Welt der Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Beats und lass dich von der magischen Atmosphäre ihrer Musik verzaubern. Auf meinem YouTube-Kanal teil ich regelmäßig hochwertige Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Beats, die perfekt zum Lernen, Entspannen und Abschalten geeignet sind. Die Tracks zeichnen sich durch eine gekonnte Balance zwischen rhythmischen Elementen und atmosphärischen Klängen aus, die eine harmonische Hintergrundmusik für jede Gelegenheit bieten. 🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues do not report me, take your time to contact us via mail, and we will response within 7 Days - 💌💌