Concerned Doctors


As physicians and health professionals, we’re concerned about the effect of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on our patients, our families, our state and our nation. We believe in the principle of do no harm and in preserving the freedom of both patient and practitioner to choose the best course of treatment. We support the principle of informed consent and the free exchange of medical research and clinical data between providers and patients and the population in general. We advocate early treatment protocols with safe and proven medications to keep patients healthy and out of hospitals. We all have the right to informed consent to choose the best and safest course of treatment — it’s one of the hallmarks of civilized medicine and anything to the contrary must be confronted and eradicated.

Cornelia & G. Strand Verified


Cornelia & G. Strand - medborgarjournalister och patrioter. Vi stöttar Q och Trumps arbete med att rensa i träsket i Sverige och världen. Vi sänder live varje söndag kl.19.30 Tack för att ni stöttar vårt arbete: Strand: Swish +46701832701 Strand Paypal: Cornelia Swish: +46763055789 Paypal: Patreon: Följ oss i sociala medier: X

Disciple's Corner Verified


Hello and welcome to my channel! My name is Josh, and I recently experienced a profound spiritual transformation that led me from a lifetime of agnosticism to a committed belief in Jesus Christ. On this channel, I'll share my personal journey, testimony, and experiences as a new believer. I'll talk about how the Lord called me to create this channel, my initial doubts and questions, and the answers I've received through prayer and reflection. I invite you to join me on this incredible journey of faith. Whether you're a long-time believer, new to faith, or just curious, I hope my story can inspire and encourage you. Let's explore together where the Holy Spirit leads us! Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay updated with my latest videos. Thank you for being a part of this journey!