Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry


The Restore Freedom Initiative is a petition to amend our Michigan Constitution to: Rein in power the government has taken; Prevent future abuses of power by the governor, legislature and courts, even in times of crisis, war or emergency; Restore Michigan to a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. More specifically, this Amendment: Clarifies & strengthens our right to NOT be deprived of our life, liberty or property Stops any governor from trying to create laws without the legislature (through EO’s, etc.) Clarifies unconstitutional laws and unconstitutional EOs are NOT enforceable Allows government officials to FINALLY be held CRIMINALLY & FINANCIALLY responsible for intentionally violating the Constitution Prohibits government officials from picking & choosing which laws they want to follow Reiterates that the government gets no additional powers over us in emergencies Establishes a TRUE system of government accessibility, transparency, and accountability Makes legislators do their own research and draft their own bills; so they can\'t rely on unelected attorneys to write all the laws and tell them how to vote on them Prohibits mask requirements & other things likely to impair health from being forced upon ANYONE Streamlines courts so every Michigander can understand court processes & effectively participate Requires laws MUST be reasonably understandable by the average citizen Makes roll call votes REQUIRED for all governmental decisions Prohibits any unelected boards or commissions from regulating the people in ANY way More information can be found at

The OCD & Anxiety Show with Matt Codde LCSW


My name is Matt Codde and I help people who are struggling with OCD & Anxiety take back control of their lives by helping them master the Triple-A Response. As someone who personally struggled with OCD & Anxiety for years, I know how challenging it can be to navigate all the chaos and find the right help. And after living in this loop for several years, I eventually got to the point where I started to lose hope for my future. But one day, I had this sinking realization: all this energy I was using to fight my thoughts and feelings wasn’t working. So instead of trying harder, perhaps it was time to shift gears and try a different approach. And this ultimately led me to create the Triple-A Response. Learn more about Matt and Restored Minds: